no dementia Joe skits yet?

should have tons of material by now...

wipe my butt


SNL is part of the mainstream media kabal - it's all about the narrative now. Things used to be different - good old times, huh?


pretty much the truth....our society is effed...


No president in the nearly half-century history of SNL has provided so much material, yet as shills of the left they can't touch him.


Really... I know Sleepy Joe does provide a certain amount material... but no one comes close to the amount of material Trump provided...


Simply not true. The media inflated and embellished anything trump did, and then kicked the dead horse for weeks afterwards. You simply aren't aware of the Biden gaffs, because they don't get any coverage. Biden is idiot supreme next to Trump, which is saying something because Trump said plenty of dumb shit.


Well... Trump inflated everything himself so that is why he was such an easy target... I don't even understand why you care so much about Biden vs. Trump... just sad that these are the guys you have to choose from when electing your (if you are american) president...


It's very concerning when our media has a clear bias towards one political party vs the other. It is an issue that could eventually have a global impact. It should concern everyone. This is bigger than any one candidate. If you are an American, it's frightening to see it happen so flagrantly.


We are talking about SNL right? Because I am pretty sure Fox News is bais towards the Republican Party... so why are you so concerned that a late night comedy show favours a specific party... when a news channel does exactly the same which is much worse?


If you read everything in a conversation before inserting yourself in it, you'd see that your post was pointless.


You started to reply to my comment not the other way around...

It is funny you say Biden's gaffs doens't get any coverage and yet you are apparently aware of them... I guess you found that information somewhere... unless you made it all up?


The point he's making is that it's Fox News vs. {ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, most newspapers}, etc.

I agree that Fox News and MSNBC cancel each other out, but the rest are severely left-leaning so as to create the term "media bias".


They will wont make fun of him, wonder why?


Are you dead from COVID yet? POS.


Why would he be? 99.9 percent of the population recovers from it. It's statistically very unlikely that a moviechat poster would die from covid. Turn off CNN and you might learn something factual for a change.


Do you think surviving from COVID equals going back to normal? Idiot. You'll have long-term effects for the rest of your life. And insurance companies will kick you off their policies for having a pre-existing condition. That's why the Right Wing likes idiots like you - you're so easy to sucker. So you think CNN is fake news? Give me some examples.


Those things you stated are not facts, sorry cupcake.


The majority have no symptoms or just a cold. Long term effects are rare. Anyone who watches CNN is a fucking retard!




Irony is pretty ironic sometimes.


no talks about covid anymore, its like it never happened.


We all took the mandatory vaccine and are fine.
