For the most part I really hate remakes. For example: Butch Cassidy and the Sun dance kid, WHY!!!!! There is no reason for it! However, Thriller: A Cruel Picture is a movie that wasn't all that great, but it could have been. I can totally see a new updated version of this being really kickass. Any thoughts?
The prono was only added so it could get a u.s release. Back then they had porno theatres so they added a few porn scenes in hopes some of those theatres in america would pick up the movie. It was only put in to help distribution chances and really had nothing to do with the film maker's vision. Those scenes would be unnecessary for a remake.
The porn shots were not added for an american release that was how the dirctor put the movie together. The original release in america was a heavily truncated version. Do your research before posting.
i dont think it will ever be a remake... but i`ts actully going to be a sequel... thriller: a explosive picture, i think it was... frigga/madelen is hired in to combat in iran or something...
I doubt there would be anybody in Hollywood, USA, with the guts and balls to remake this movie and be as intense as the original movie... and i'm not even comenting on the explicit porn scenes (which to be honest, are really not needed for the story, and i don't say this out of moral squimishness, they just don't help the story one inch, uit's there just for exploitation).
If an american remake would ever be done, the filmamkers would be tempted with giving a "redemption" to the maincharacter, to make her more sympathetic, to get her off the hook on her rvenge actions, and to give a fundamentalist christian-like, old testement based, justification for her punishement of the wicked and to make it alright in the end and she absolved of they violent actions. Basically, they would pussy ass the movie and turn it into piss crap. Oh, yes, of course, they would also shot it and edit it like it was some goddamit shallow ass MTV video and fill it to the grills with crap shallow pseudo-hard ass trendy rock songs.
"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks
This movie could NEVER be remade properly, because as previously mentioned, there isn't someone who would make it gritty enough, and no one has the balls to try. In the end, what's the point? I haven't seen a remake that I have liked yet, with most just being made for money.
Well... I know how people feel about remakes. I hated remakes myself also and none of those were any good at all. However, I was watching Thriller myself the other day then I began thinking about doing a remake to this film. I would see that the remake would be better than the original in several different ways but not only for what it is but it would be a great action picture for america only but not based on how they made that film in Sweden.
For the remake, first half of the movie would be similar to the original but without porn insert into the film and also if I am the writer/director of the film, I would have all sex and nudity removed but when it comes to that, I would just fade into black when it is about to occur. With violence, I would put much violence as possible to keep it entertaining but won't do much graphic however the action sequences would be pretty intense and exciting to keep your heads spinning, something like how Die Hard With A Vengeance did. I'm not talking about the action from that movie, I'm talking about the pacing and stuff just to keep your eyes glued onto the screen. Also improve camera techniques, perhaps add in more camera tracking movements to keep the suspense going, kinda of like how Brian De Palma did with his movies or Alfonso Cuaron.
As for 2nd half of the film, I would have the action take place in an urban city instead of country-looking like from the original, just to give it a crisper and grittier look. And also I'm not going to use slow-motion at all because it would ruin the mood of the film and it would drag you away easily. And I'm not quite sure about the ending yet but I'm not giving it a happy ending because you know that people would get tired of seeing same happy endings all over again so there is a possible that the ending would be different.
I don't think anyone really needs a remake of this film, it's not exactly like its got the most amazing plot to build from.
What's great about Thriller though is it's cold, gritty, stark, Scandanavian atmosphere. No remake could do this justice, and setting it in the States in an urban environment would suck every bit of individuality from this bizarre exploitation classic. I really love its dream like pacing and haunting slow motion scenes. And I even thought the sex scenes were totally appropriate, they made Madeline's revenge desires that much more potent. If you takes these things away, you'll be left with nothing but a basic straight to video revenge flick.
'You touched me! Oh God, my flesh is rotting! The touch of Scum!'
My company, 42nd St. Films is currently considering this film for an update in it's future lineup. We specialize in hardcore 70's and early 80's style films and felt this one, if done right, and actually boosting up the violence over the sex, and paying proper respect to the original, would be an interesting film. This board is an interesting way to get some feedback from the fans regarding a redux. Thanks so much and I can't wait to hear your thoughts and opinions.
...if I am the writer/director of the film, I would have all sex and nudity removed but when it comes to that, I would just fade into black when it is about to occur. With violence, I would put much violence as possible to keep it entertaining but won't do much graphic however the action sequences would be pretty intense and exciting to keep your heads spinning, something like how Die Hard With A Vengeance did. Also improve camera techniques, perhaps add in more camera tracking movements to keep the suspense going... As for 2nd half of the film, I would have the action take place in an urban city instead of country-looking like from the original, just to give it a crisper and grittier look. And also I'm not going to use slow-motion at all because it would ruin the mood of the film and it would drag you away easily. And I'm not quite sure about the ending...
What fascinating suggestions — can't say whether your changes will result in a more satisfying film, but you're certainly on the right path for a pedestrian homogenized wimpy-ass mainstream seen-it-a-zillion times version. Keep up the heavy thinking there, Eisenstein!
You would need to learn how to write properly if you wanted to become a writer, judging by the writing in this post you have a fair way to go. Learning how to use commas would be a good place to start.
The Hollywood version of this movie is Drive (2011). An ultra violent revenge movie with plenty of slow motion. The only difference is the protagonist is a male and isn't completely mute. Also, Carey Mulligan looks very similar to Frigga.
i can see a lot of this film in the kill bill series. and i think this film has the potential to be an awesome remake as long as it has the right director and writer. they can also lose the penetration scenes, they werent needed at all. and also maybe not take so much time on the killing scenes, that got kind of ridiculous too.
I just watched this movie in the uncut, porno-insert, version... and I think that a remake without the penetrations and set in a US city would be totaly wrong. This movie was made in the swedish outback for a reason. Here there haven't been any real action-extravaganza-revenge-flicks, so this film chocked on every level.
And really, if the explicit scenes weren't that graphical, do we feel that violated? After all we've seen in the movie, the scene where she beats up the cops feels almost motivated, she want's to let of some serious steam here... the ridiculously slowmotion gives the flying blood some wierdly beautifull qualities, it seems unreal, and that is how she feels, unreal... it would just be another revenge flick from usa if it where remade in the NY suburbs...
The porno shots maybe where an afterthought, but I can't see that they where totaly unnecisary...
they could just use the existing movie and remove the hardcore porn, speed up the sloooowww moootttiiioon and get rid of the cars exploding on the slightest impact
I know that this is the kind of movie that inspiried directors like Tarantino. But remakes just bores the hell out of me if they don't give me something new.