The truck driver at the end

He could've drove off his truck with Sally after he pulled her in.

He made me laugh though 


Yeah, that was stupid.


why do people ask this every other week?

I did sixty in five minutes once...


why do people ask this every other week?

Because it's a 42 year old film, and people still like discussing it?

It's not as weird as the Back To The Future board, where every week somebody is asking why Marty didn't do his mother in the 50s.


Yep, he's still running. Last week I saw him running pass my window while I was cleaning the dishes.
It's the second time I see him since he started running in 1974. Last timle was in 1988.

Let me tell ya he's really thin by now.

PS = In the last film, Leatherface 3d, a deleted scene shown his corpse hanging in the farmhouse kitchen.


If you look closely you can see him in the background running behind Tom hanks in Forrest Gump in one of the scenes where he's running across the country.


Rumour has it, he's entering the New York marathon in November.


He’s still around. See below.


Lol! I was thinking the same thing! He could drove his truck or go in the pick up with Sally. Why he choose to run away?


Kinda confused about that part too! And then he just disappears. WTF?

American Horror Story Season 6: Donald Trump


Yeah, that's the biggest problem about this movie. It's a brilliant horror film, but that part should have to remove because it's the stupidest thing in a film ever.

My October Challenge 2016:


Well, I'm pretty sure seeing Leatherface definitely threw him off guard. But I agree, he should've just punched it and drove away.


I think he ran somewhere and called for help. I don't think there was anything that Leatherface could do since he was badly injured. And, someone his size (the truck driver) I think he could have handled Leatherface and the cook. He wouldn't be in the same situation as the other people as Leatherface took them by surprise. The truck driver on the other hand would have an easy job of fighting off the remaining family members.


Watching this again I had the thought that he probably should have been killed by last kill to end the movie with. I thought that since he didn't die and he didn't help Sally...he really served no purpose at all. Yeah it's funny, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he's still a pointless character.


He does run over the hitchhiker brother, so he does provide one last kill.


Badly injured? It sure didn't look that way, Leatherface was dancing around swinging his chainsaw like nothing happened.


You can tell by the way he was running that he was hurt badly. When he was swinging around the chainsaw you can tell he was balancing on one leg.


Pick one: Running. Hurt badly.


I was referring to Leatherface. Leatherface was hurt to badly to pursue the truck driver. The driver just kept running, and hopefully got lucky and another car was coming along shortly.


Leatherface wasn't interested in the truck driver he was after Sally. He was hobbled but he quickly shook it off and was clearly running after Sally when she was in the pickup truck, so he couldn't have been badly hurt.


I met the truck driver from the end of the movie last year. He was at a horror convention with his grandsons and he signed a hat for me that has “Black Maria” on it, which is the name on the side of the truck in the film. He still lives in Texas. :)


I thought the legends said he was running to this day....


He did seem pretty fit for an old fella.
