I think it's a cracking movie. It has all the right ingredients perfectly blended - intriguing story, good script, interesting characterisations, great acting, terrific action, subtle and strong direction. All adding up, in my opinion, to a great, unpretentious, really well made action flick.
I love the seventies action movies where the director lets you actually see the action. These days, when it comes to action sequences it seems its ususally all wobble, blur and cut-aways. Frustrating and boring.
And there was never a movie tough guy quite like Bronson; never will be. He was unique. One of my faves, as if you couldn't guess.
And this role is perfect for Bronson. He brought depths and subtleties to roles that other actors, even famous and competent ones, would have left two dimensional; because he was great actor. Though very different in style, he was much like McQueen in that what appears as a mere glance here or there, or a brief pause, or a simple shrug of the shoulders, or a momentary smile, could speak eloquent volumes other lesser actors can only dream of being able to deliver through the camera.
Sure, Bronson made some dud movies, but that's wasn't necessarily always down to him. But he was also pivotal in some of the all time great movies, i.e. Death Wish, Once Upon A Time in the West, Hard Times among others. And if you like cracking, unpretentious, really well made 70s action flicks, Mr. Majestyk ain't bad either.