What is the one part...

of this movie that makes you pee your pants with laughter every time? I would proably have to say either the knights who say ni or the sequences from the rabbit to the animator having a heart attack.



For me, it's prince Herbert nonchalantly wrting down the rescue note and shooting it out the window in the most conspicuous way possible. All while the guard is watching with that encouraging smile. I'm cracking up just thinking about it.

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?


Hilarious how quick Herbert turns around and shoots it out the window.


The moose titles.
"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"
"Sir Robin ran away, away, bravely ran away, away."

. . . The Bones tell me nothing.


My favorite scene is when they approach the bridge of death.

Reality is a nice place to visit, but i wouldn't want to live there


Holy sh!t, there are too many scenes that are "pee your pants" hilarious. But if I had to pick one, I'll have to agree with The Knights Who Say "Ni".


So hard to mention only one scene/bit:

The Holy Hand Grenade scripture reading from the Book of Armaments.

"We have found a witch" scene.

The "Bring out your dead" scene.

The Castle Anthrax scene.

"Message for you, sir."


The reading of the instructions for the use of the Holy Hand Grenade. I've seen this film 10 or 15 times through the years and that scene gets me EVERY time. It probably helps to be a (former) Catholic!


Denis and the Woman talking medieval politics ...
"She turned me into a NEWT! ... I got better ..."
The cow catapult ...
"Ham and jam and Spam a lot!"
The black knight.
The French taunters.
Zoot. Naughty naughty Zoot.
"They say they've already GOT one!" "Can we have a look at it?"
The Trojan rabbit.
The bridge troll.
"That rabbit's dynamite."
"One ... two ... FIVE!" "Three sir!"
The castle of Joseph of Aramathea.

OMG too many moments.

- - -

...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.


The whole witch burning scene. Watching John Cleese and the faces he pulls is the funniest part of the film. I always lose it.


When Tim the Enchanter is making explosion after explosion, Arthur says,

"I see you're a busy man"
