I have watched a ton of gory, dusturbing flicks. Hostel. Salo. Ichi the Killer. Caligula and Cannibal Halocuast were almost more than I could watch though. Halocaust had me tempted to turn it off during the abortion scene, and Caligula made me pause my veiwing in several scenes. But this looked aweful I had trouble watching the entire trailer. Maybe it is because I think of the real experiments commited by the nazis (which were far worse than can be depicted in any film,no matter how extreme) But I want to know who enjous watching such things portrayed in such a crass and insensative manner?
It's enjoyable BECAUSE it's crass and insensitive, I guess. It's a guilty pleasure - the thought that any decent, civilised human being would have a heart attack if they saw it!
I used to feel the same about the films of Herschel Gordon Lewis. All the old arguments about violence against women as entertainment apply to those films ( and probably originated with them!) But viewed in the right frame of mind, they are just goofy, gross-out comedies. The same applies to Ilsa. It works as an exercise in bad taste.
I think the appeal of this film is not so much the gore and senseless torture, but the cheese factor and how hokey it is.. Its so bad, its good. At least thats what I like about it. Also the fact that I first saw it back in the early 80s which now has some nastalgic value.
I watched it. And then I wrote a paper on it, analyzing whether movies like this defile the memory of the Holocaust in an insensitive way or whether they're just movies dealing with controversial topics to cash in on them.
damoviecritic in answer to your question it is clear that you enjoy such films. It is the same as sitting and consuming a whole suckling pig, then claiming you find pork abhorrent.
It is the same as sitting and consuming a whole suckling pig, then claiming you find pork abhorrent.
I'm sure, if I was crass and insensitive, I could make a joke about pork and the death camps but I'll not go there...
These movies aren’t serious, aren’t moral (at least not in a conventional sense but then that's an argument for another thread) but they a-r-e fun and funny.
This movie is camp fun, a pretty dark version of it but still camp fun.
I find this movie less offensive than Hollywood 'family' films with their enforced heterosexuality, disgusting middleclass Christianity and brain-dead suburban longings. 'Family,' to quote a character in John Water's Cecil B Demented 'is just another word for censorship.'
'i regard it [religion] as a disease born of fear'
I was pointing out that there was a crass and insensitive joke to be had in the jew/ pork nexus.
I didn't mean you had made such (or indeed any such) jokes.
BTW: I'd best clear this up before I get accused of being anti-semitic - I'm not. I recentltly had a fight with some antisemites in the city I live in.
'i regard it [religion] as a disease born of fear'
"I find this movie less offensive than Hollywood 'family' films with their enforced heterosexuality, disgusting middleclass Christianity and brain-dead suburban longings."
I love Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS mainly because it is unashamedly politically incorrect. It's crass, crude and not that well made but damn good fun. Besides Dyanne Thorne rocks!