I remember the two-parter with baby Freddie who was just called Charles,Jr., on the show.
Remember how Laura was very jealous of the new baby? From what I have read, the real Laura was not jealous of her baby brother and she was extremely grief stricken over his death. I remember reading somewhere that she always mourned her brother and couldn't bring herself to write about his death in any of her books.
The way the episode plays out though, it's all about Laura. She runs away because she is feeling guilty for refusing to pray for her sick brother. She then asks God to take her and leave her brother for her Pa. Just far-fetched behavior for a child, I think! It's a very popular two-parter, but like so many LHOTP episodes, it's the "Laura Show".
It just didn't make sense that Laura would've been so jealous. I mean, big families were the norm back then and the Ingalls were a farming family. A lot of children, especially boys, would be welcome to help with the chores. Of course sibling rivalry goes way back to Cain and Abel. lol But youngsters expected to have a lot of siblings then. I wonder how the real Laura would've reacted to see that part of her life told in that way. Not too happy, I bet.
I always wondered why Michael Landon changed Mary's story so radically. The show aired while I was still in school and one time I was talking to a classmate who read the Little House books/ She told me some of the differences between the real people and the TV characters. I had no idea the real Mary never married, there was no blind school, no Adam Kendall,etc.
The school and Mary's marriage did open up a lot of story possibilities but I wondered why ML chose to go that route instead of dramatizing some of the real events that happened to them. Well, creative decisions I guess!