May we Make them proud

I just watched both episodes of May We Make Them Proud and I never noticed this before, but I realized they never had a scene of Caroline grieving Alice. Alice was her best friend and they didn't to make a mention of it. I know that she had to deal with Mary, but still....


well, her grandson also perished. a little helpless baby.

and when you really examine it, too many people attributed to the fire/baby's demise.

albert and his douchebag of a friend who we only see for one episode for sneaking down there to smoke.

hester sue for scaring them and then making them forget their pipe.

then you have genius hester sue going to find where the 'smell' was coming from and says it is probably the coffee on the stove... UP THE GODDAMN STAIRS! what? an over thousand pound stove was managed up those stairs??? moron!

then you have these genius people who put a lock on the dunny door. this is a mother fuquing boarding school for the blind. the only sighted person is hester Mensa sue! what the hell is anyone going to see?

and then you have this little boy needing to use the john with the lock on the door and then gets locked in there during the fire and can't get out.

so Alice goes up there to play rescuer and goes to the baby but hears Dunny boy calling and banging on the door. so she goes to him. then goes back for the baby and is trapped up there. and literally bangs the baby on the window trying to break it. and apparently those windows were made of NASA issued plexiglass -- that shi7 never broke!

so there we have it.

alice died but she had one job.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Alice was NOT using the baby to break the window! Can we get that straight?? She had the baby cradled in one arm and was breaking the window with the other!


the bitch should have thrown something through the window and then gone out with the kid!

and I completely forgot to mention... when the fire broke out Mary leaves the baby up there. two seconds to grab the kid and she failed at that.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


The whole damn episode was out & out stupid (not to mention very sad) The real Mary Ingalls didn't have a husband or child .So the writers should have left well enough alone instead of writing it. If Hersha Parady ( the actress who played Alice Garvey) wanted to get off of LHOP they could have let her get off the show in a less gruesome way (like the Garveys moving, her & Jonathan getting a divorce or anything else)


Don't take the comments too seriously. Most of us know that Alice didnt actually use the baby as a battering ram to break the window.


the entire retardedness of the episode is spelled out in my first post on this thread.

I even forgot one... mary leaving the kid in the room to begin with!

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


I agree this episode was so out of place i was so angry when they let the baby die first mary has a miscariege then shes pregbant then the baby gets born and then couple episodes later he dies.


She saw her best friend Alice using her grandson to break the window. I would be so mad at her that the last thing I would do is grieving her. Plus, she had to take care of the poor Mary.


Caroline did NOT see Alice smash the glass. She wasn't there...


I'm sure Hester Sue told her, though. Using a baby as a battering ram, if when you're burning to death, is just reprehensible.


@justavictim24 : You're right, I thought she was there.

Yeah Hester Sue probably told her that Alice had used Mary's baby to break the window. I don't recall her mentioned her best friend's name afterward, like she had never existed.


At least we know that Baby AdamJr wasn't killed by the fire, but by Alice Garvey smashing windows with his head. I also really wouldn't grieve the loss of Alice, because Hester Sue was always up on everyone's business and obviously told Caroline that Alice used him as a battering ram. Hester Sue was soooo annoying, I wouldn't have minded her getting grilled to a crisp in the fire too.

Jezebel! Flauntin' your flesh in temptation's raiment! You will burn. Oh you will burn!


Alice Garvey was an awful person. She was always so sour looking. Remember how poorly she treated her own son when he was struggling in schoool? Like he was an embarasssment. And then don't get me started about how she used Mary's baby to break windows when she was trapped in the blind school fire.

A truly terrible person.


It's been a while since I've seen this episode, but why was Alice there to begin with? Was she teaching there? The fire was at night wasn't it. Of course 30+ years ago I doubt TV writers would have ever imagined that a forum would exist for fans to pick apart every inconsistency.

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They had just had a party/ fundraiser to collect money for their plight. she was there late cleaning up since dishwashing machines didn't exist back then.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Thanks. I don't remember those scenes, but that's probably because the reruns have so many scenes cut out.

YOUR VOTE MATTERS! Please vote in every election. Thank you.


I just lose it the moment Hester Sue squeals: "Oh mah GAWD, Dah BAYBY!"

When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


Not only did Hester Sue help the fire spread more quickly (how about closing that basement door, Hester Sue, or maybe not open it in the first place when there's smoke billowing out of it?), but the least she could have done was stand under the window and encourage Alice to throw the baby to her.


I will go to my grave never understanding why


She was halfway up the stairs when she saw the smoke coming from the basement door! moron!

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Everyone took their stupid pills in that one. Like Mary would have EVER left her baby. Maternal instinct would have kicked in and she would have grabbed that baby without even thinking. Especially since Mary as a blind woman could not see how bad the fire was, so she would have assumed the worst. And then she and Adam are chilling on the lawn outside the burning house and don't start asking about the baby until they hear the glass breaking. Like Mary wouldn't have been asking about her baby every single second until she had him back in her arms?


The original scene didn't go that way. It's shown that way in broadcasts (and even on some dvd's apparently) because the full episodes are too long to fit in one hour including adverts. In every episode there is at least one scene cut.

Here in The Netherlands they always air the full, uncut versions. After Hester Sue and the others at the table smell something, Hester Sue heads to the kitchen and we see her checking the coffee kettle. She then returns to the others, but then they remark that they still smell something and Hester Sue goes checking out the rest of the house. It's only then that she goes upstairs.

Because they cut the scene where Hester Sue is in the kitchen and then returns, it looks like she went upstairs to check the coffee on the stove, but this is an error caused by the deletion of a scene; the original scene makes more sense.


Yep, Hester Sue was sooooo annoying. Oh my gawd, the bay-bee!!!! Then stupid Adam goes "Hester Sue, where is the baby?" Um, you jerk, shouldn't you have been wondering where he was before????

May we bake them brown, indeed!

I always wondered why they assumed that just because there was a pipe at the scene that the fire was caused by it. Also, they were down in the basement smoking and it disappeared once the house burned down.


This episode is so sad and disturbing! The Ingalls family was no stranger to tragedy but this one really upset me and the sad feelings lingered on long after the episode ended. Maybe it's because I am really afraid of fire. A lot of people around here run to see fires and rubberneck to watch the firefighters. I go out of my way to avoid that!

The story, as others have pointed out, had the characters behaving in such foolish ways. Mary was with her baby when Adam said that there was a fire. So take him with you when you leave the room, ya moron!

By all means Mary, go and save the other children while abandonig your OWN child! Is there any mother in the world who wouldn't pick up her own baby and take him to safety first? Duh!

That little detail could have been tweaked with having Mary and Adam in town when the fire started. They come home to a building engulfed in flames and then Mary cries out for her baby. But she LEAVES him in his cradle when she knows the building is on fire? No way!

The sequel makes me angry and disgusted. Little dopey, annoying as he##, guilt ridden Albert runs away. So let him go! ha! I guess I am less forgiving than Charles, but if I found out that someone was responsible for the death of my grandchild and my best friend's wife, not to mention burning down a building and endangering many lives, I'd be infuriated!! But not the ever forgiving saintly Charles Ingalls.

Charles finds crybaby Albert and acts as though HE (Albert) is just another one of the innocent victims of the fire! Are you kidding me? I would have been hard pressed not to beat the crap out of Albert.

Why does Charles act as though Albert should NOT feel guilty? He d#mn well SHOULD feel guilty for causing death and destruction!! Sometimes guilt is necessary. Not always, say you are on a diet and you eat pizza and feel guilty! Some guilt is silly. But if you are responsible for death and feel guilty, well, go with it! You SHOULD feel guilty!

I wish the conversation had been Charles telling Albert that he must return to Walnut Grove to apologize for what he did. He should feel bad and he needs to ask for forgiveness.

But true to form, Charles weeps and cries and begs dopey Albert to come home. I never liked the character of Albert, but at that point I could not STAND him!

Don't want to blame the actor. He only did what was in the script. But the character was a selfish brat. And I always seemed to zoom in on that little thing hanging off his upper lip. Not his fault but it annoyed me!


I never could stand Albert. And yeah, he needed his top lip circumcised or something. I much preferred Andy Garvey. Or anyone for that matter, even obnoxious James and the Carter boys.

I don't even understand why Albert confessed to starting the fire??? He was always a sociopath so guilt couldn't be a reason. I think he just wanted to rub it into Mary's face that he was responsible for baby Adam's death and just wanted to see her cry and wail "MY BABY!!!" and punch through a window with her arms, that sounds more like him.


Yeah, "Sorry I killed your kid, but here's a music box to make up for it. Hope we're even."

I forgot about that scene. I'd also forgotten that Pa took Albert to buy him a rifle as some sort of "reward" for good behavior. Heck, just get the kid another pipe. Albert wanted the music box for Mary instead.

I could never understand how Albert could carry around that big of a load of guilt and not break down on the spot. Of course Charles would have cried too and forgiven him right then and there!


Pa was just really weird when it came to Albert. "Oh, you're a liar, a thief, and a street hustler? Perfect, we're taking you back to Walnut Grove to live with us!!" It was only a few months before Albert elevated to arsonist and murderer, and Pa was like "Let's buy you a rifle, burning people up is just soooooo '87!!!" It was weird.


It was only a few months before Albert elevated to arsonist and murderer

And don't forget morphine addict that was tapping into poor ole Doc's stash!
