MovieChat Forums > A Thief in the Night (1973) Discussion > The single most traumatizing film EVER!

The single most traumatizing film EVER!

I was forced to watch this film as a child, and it still effects me to this day.

I'm not a Christian, so the Rapture really has no meaning for me, but honestly who in their right mind would show a movie like this to their kids? A child shouldn't be scared into "so-called salvation." Faith is a choice that should be made when one is old enough to understand what it means. The fact that a lot of non-denominational Christian Churches used this film as a "Scare-Tactic" to frighten people is just revolting to me. As a victim of this, I can truly say that this film should only be shown to adults of the fundamental Christian persuasion.

JRM Intelligence Agency:
Special Agent Isi


Are you serious? You people are so weak and lame. I swear. I was 12 when I watched this and loved it and yes, that is still considered a child. I thought it was more entertaining than the terribly produced Left Behind movies and better acted as well. I don't know what you people are talking about when you say "traumatizing". Please, it's only a movie. Yes the events may happen the way portrayed in the film, but you weren't forced to watch the film. You're just looking for an excuse.

To be honest, there was even one person who said they were 9 years old and held a knife to their throat after seeing this film and wondering if he should go through the tribulation or not (after he thought it had happened). 9? 9?!!! I didn't even know how to kill someone back then, let alone myself. If that doesn't take the cake I don't know what does!


You're an idiot Sundance. This film even frightened Marilyn Manson (


Surprisingly, kids can watch Chucky and Frankenstein and say they're not scared yet they see a film like this and it scares the crap out of them. Please! Besides, Marilyn Manson is an idiot as are you bpedigo. Present me with sufficient evidence, then we'll talk.


The film itself didn't really traumatize(kinda did), but it was the berating of my parents and reminding me of the movie that did it. Every time my parents felt the need to remind me of what will happen if I do certain things they would bring up this movie and scare me into behaving. I would be scared I was going to be left behind too and I would brood on it. Plus I was also 8 not 12. 12 is considerably more mature. Plus, because my parents were hardcore Christians, I never would see horror films. Plus I experienced that type of abuse prior to seeing the film anyway so that was just throwing kerosene on the fire. My self esteem was shot to hell at a very young age.


I believe, because I understand.


Sundance - if you don't just radiate a Christ-like glow, then I don't know who does...

Weird how you are standing up for Christians in such a disrespectful, evil way.

I'm sure Jesus is just loving how you call people "idiots" to stand up for him... I think YOU might need to go re-watch these movies yourself, and maybe try to get a little bit more out of its message!



This film even frightened Marilyn Manson

Yeah and eggs scared Alfred Hitchcock, and Stephen King is afraid of spiders, so what?


hello i read u and the other guys arguments with 1 another and laughed my ass off. I'm 32 years old and am a christian but not because of these movies or any like them that have been made in recent years. All any1 is saying when they state the movies bothered them when they were young is that they should not be viewed by young children. U want sufficient evidence jack a ss i'll give it 2 u. The year 1987 i was 11 years old at the time, our church viewed these movies on a projector, vcr's existed back then but our church did not have a big screen tv. Thief was okay not to scary told a pretty good story, but a Distant Thunder's ending if these movie's are even still shown should be told to parents b4 the entire church views the film. Back 2 1987 our pastor had all the young people even kids younger than me sit in the front rows. The guillotine scene was pretty terrifying but I was able to handle it but there were several small children who ran to there parents after the movie was over. My mother and my father who r 2 of the most bible believing people I know along with several other parents were eraged that our pastor did not disclose the ending b4 the kids watched this. So the last 2 movies in the series my mother set up a place in the dining hall 4 the kids who didn't want 2 watch the final 2 movies 2 play and stuff. I discussed something with my dad today about these movies, back then kids weren't as exposed to things as they are 2day. I'm not saying I lived a sheltered life because I didn't but in 1987 there was computers but no internet, cell phones, email, i guess things moved a little slower. I grew up in a christian home and wasn't allowed to watch many r-rated films esp. horror i had to beg my mom to let me go see the orignal predator because it was rated r. But with all that said here's my arguement and many other people's also. How come as long as something has to do with religion and christianity it's okay by your arguement kids can watch chucky and not be scared?? How do u know, so with that said as long as a movie is christian themed jason vorhees and leatherface can come out swinging machete's and chainsaw's and it's all good. The church I went to at that time the pastor was always on the young people's ass about horror movies, rock music and such and thta if u participated in such activities u were going 2 hell or was going 2 be left behind that is not true what so ever if it is then the pope is jewish. All i'm saying is I don't believe this how you win people to life long commitment's 2 jesus. I'm saved, a christian, and am not going 2 be here to witness all the stuff the movies protray. More than likely the mark will be a microchip and yes more than likely if u do not take it u will be beheaded. All i'm saying yes God is a God of venegeance but he's also a God of love, he sent his only son who was with him since b4 the universe was created 2 die for our sin not sin's our sin is rejecting do we sin after we get saved oh u bet we do but the ultimate sin that sends u 2 hell in a eternity without God is rejecting his son. These movies r not the way u win people who no nothing about jesus over. Evidence enough 4 u, any1 else can email me at [email protected] I would be more than honored 2 tell u how to accept God's gift his son jesus christ. and 1 last thing how in God's name can u say the acting in these movies is better than left behind if the actor in the thief series were any stiffer u could take them 2 the ocean and surf on them, wooden acting at it's best.


I am a Christian. I love God with all my heart. I even believe in the rapture as a real event that will take place at some point (soon I hope:-). I try to live my life in expectedness of that event.

With that being said. I do not think that this movie is a good way to bring people to lifelong commitments to Christ. I have seen this movie and it only portrays the wrath and vengeance of God. He is so much more than that. God loves you. He sent his Son to die for you. He is not waiting for you to mess up so that he can rapture everyone up and leave you behind. He wants to know you. I do as a Christian believe that we have to tell people the truth. That they NEED a Saviour to escape the consequence of sin (death), I do not believe in only telling one side of the story. Yes, they need a Saviour, but that Saviour loves you. He gave up the glory of Heaven for a season, lived as a man, and endured an unspeakable death for you.

I also saw this movie (at a local church) as a child and was traumatized by it. I mean I had nightmares for weeks:-( Fortunately for me my mother took the time to teach me about God so that I would understand who He is. In time I grew to love Him. When you love someone their coming is not a cause for fear but a cause to rejoice. I look forward to the rapture because I will see the Saviour who gave his life so that I could live eternally.


I totally agree with you about this. I watched this movie and it's sequel in 1987 i was 11 at the time. Our pastor made all the young people even kids younger than me sit in the front rows. I was old enough to handle it but it still bothered me that they would put something like that in a christian movie. I know that's probably what is going to happen to any1 left behind and refuses to take the microchip that's probably what it will be. In 1987 kids weren't as exposed to things like they are today, what I'm saying is there wasn't the internet, cell phones stuff like that so I think it was a little more sheltered time back then, I grew up in a christian home and wasn't allowed to watch many r rated films esp horror, but that's exactly what these movies are christian horror, b-movies, explotation films. The church i went to would give u all kinds of s h it if u watched horror films and listen to rock music that u were going to hell or going to be left behind for participating in such activities and that just isn't true. My parents and several others were enraged at my pastor for not telling them the content of the second movie. My mother set up a room in the church for the kids to watch movies and play games who didn't want to watch the last 2 movies. I'm now 32 and rented the last 2 films a couple years ago they weren't as bad as a distant thunder, but all in all the whole series is probably the most God awful movies of all time wooden acting at it's best if the actors were any stiffer u could take them to the ocean and surf on them. I just hate how these kinda of movies depict christians as having no other emotions but wanting to do good all the time and not making mistakes i mean we are all human and slip up. I'm a christian not because of these movies, and won't be here to witness the tribulation or the anti-christ. Any who drop me an email sometime [email protected] tell me what u think.



I, too, was traumatized by it.

I resent it like hell.

we hear you're looking for candy-man, bitch


me too, i remember being about 4 years old watching this in a really fundamentalist church and i was crying my eyes out, so traumatised.

funnily enough, me and my mum were talking about it the other day


I saw it at around the age of 8, at church, it scared the hell out of me. Watching it on YouTube now, it's pretty stupid, but still effective.



Sundance - if you don't just radiate a Christ-like glow, then I don't know who does...

Weird how you are standing up for Christians in such a disrespectful, evil way.

I'm sure Jesus is just loving how you call people "idiots" to stand up for him... I think YOU might need to go re-watch these movies yourself, and maybe try to get a little bit more out of its message!


This movie did not leave me tramatized, but it did cause me to think a little more than I normally did.

Hatred toward Christians is increasing today like never before, so it is not hard to see that the events in this series will be taking place soon. But I believe that it will be even more horrific than what was portrayed in this series.

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Christians always like to play the persecuted victims in this country despite Christians being most of the population...funny that.


Me too! I just realized this was the movie series I had to watch in church when I was around 7 or 8. It gave me nightmares for a long time. I kept dreaming the "police" were taking me away and then putting me in a gillatine. Right when the blade came down, I'd wake, shaking and terrified.

I believed it all too until I grew up.

In your right hand, there are pleasures forever. --Psalm 16:11
