MovieChat Forums > Mean Streets (1973) Discussion > You like Goodfellas, but hate Mean Stree...

You like Goodfellas, but hate Mean Streets

You probably have no significant social life, possibly a male under 18yrs old, maybe female, you play video games, adore CGI, and you don't understand Italian American subtleties, and New York culture.

Goodfellas is a comedy, shoot-em-up hollywood type flick, and you can't handle a more realistic mature movie like Mean Streets.

Movies don't have to follow a strict who-dun-it plot, or comprehensive climatic endings.. real life isn't climactic, real life is dramatic, just like this film. it's as close to real life as I've seen out of any Scorsese movie.


What a total idiotic, load of crap. There's no logic or explanation behind this ignorant statement. All you did was lump a bunch of characteristics you don't like and throw them together, in a failed attempt to sound intelligent.

Only the most pathetic of dimwits find it necessary to negatively lump together anyone who doesn't agree with them. Worse, the labels you provided are so broad and generic they make no sense and provide no correlation or intelligent comparison.

You failed in your attempt to sound deep, worldly and smart, and succeeded as coming across as an ignorant clown.


Never understood why so many people rave over GOODFELLAS (I think CASINO is better) but MEAN STREETS is a great movie
