His best Bond film!

This is Roger's best Bond film in my opinion. Anyone else agree?


Absolutely I agree! I first saw it when i was 12 and was thoroughly engrossed from start to finish. There were no dull parts whatsoever. I can't say that about any other Bond film. Although Goldfinger came pretty close to holding my attention from beginning to end. I would have to rank it as my second favorite. Did you happen to catch LALD on the This TV marathon?


Can’t agree with ‘no dull parts’ - that speedboat chase is several minutes too long. Other than that the pacing is pretty much perfect.


Yep. My favorite of Moore's as well.


Nope, sorry. I won't blame him for it, but I rate Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only, and Octopussy well above this. Although it is better than A View to a Kill. But then getting a prostate exam from Wolverine is better than A View to a Kill.

"Life is a game we all play...and love is the prize."---Avicii, Wake Me Up


Roger Moore's best Bond movies were The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only. Nevertheless, Live And Let Die is an awesome Bond song!

We are teachers on sabbatical and we have just won the lottery.


I've gone back and forth between LALD and FYEO as not just my favorite Moore Bond, but my favorite Bond movie, period. Love Connery, like Craig, the rest are fine, but Moore has always been my favorite. I was born in 1975, so Moore was the Bond I grew up with. I think his take on Bond was perfect for that late 70s/early 80s era. (Excuse the overexplaining, it's just because stating that Moore is my favorite Bond is usually met with derision.)

LALD was my favorite from childhood until well into my twenties, but FYEO caught up and passed it for many years. But nowadays, I really have a hard time picking between the two. They're like 1.A and 1.B.


I quite like LALD but it's quite dark in tone, especially the freaky ending. I like the majority of the 007 films, really.


No way, Man With The Golden Gun is his best by a long shot.


Man with the Golden Gun is actually the worst out of all 24 films.


wow, that's a tough pick, i like them all in different ways, but i'll say one thing, these movies are currently running on television and i've reached up to "the man with the golden gun", and i enjoyed this more, i remember i've found "for your eyes only" more boring than the others, just as i find "thunderball" connery's most boring by far. notice how quick they are in handing over the phone to bond (several times throughout the movie), the plane scene is a lot of fun and reminds a lot of the opening in "octopussy" a decade later, once you know kananga wears a fake face it becomes pretty obvious, doesn't it, tee hee is a pretty fun villain with the gimmick is him with a sense of humour of course... tee hee. the way bond lies to solitaire and looks like kind of mocking her is pretty off putting but i guess he fessed up later and it was all going by the plan.

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on vacation all models left town,
still remain charm technical artform or godlike,
cause in summer when all gone you stay around,
got the gallery to yourself,
and to your magic im helpless.


I love it because it was forbidden fruit when I was young - hyper religious parents who didn't like the voodoo scenes so wouldn't let us keep the tape - I like the early 70s aesthetics a lot. It's this or For Your Eyes Only for me.
