Where did you see it for the first time?

I am wondering where and how most people saw this for the first time since it seems to have been lost and unaccessible for so long! How did you hear about it?

"Shhh, pay attention. You may miss something..."


On Fandor.com. I love their streaming service. I also love this movie.


I saw it on late night TV in Northeast Ohio in the mid 80s. I remember staying up until 2 in the morning. It was listed in the newspaper as "Lemora, Lady Dracula". The sequence that stuck in my memory was the bus ride. It was one of the first movies I looked for on the internet, just to confirm that it actually existed. I'm hoping that someday a director's cut will turn up.


I'm watching this one on the COMET Channel right now  .

This is actually my second viewing of this film
watched it a few days ago on this same channel   .

Thanks silence_here for your subject post  .


Also recorded it on the Comet channel a couple of days ago. Never heard of it before, glad I stumbled across it - quite eerie!
