How I would like to see a Jesus Christ Superstar remake.
1. I would like for it to be biblically correct. It's suppose to be a remake, so why not make it an actual remake where it all takes place in the middle east, although in order to make the film it's own picture, and not just a copy of the one from 1973, I suggest removing any modern items, and have the story take place during the times when some people believe Christ lived.
2. I'd need for the color on the screen to look like a Frank Miller picture. Think "Jesus Christ Superstar" meets "The Passion of the Christ" meets "300'. i.e. You have the music and singing from "Jesus Christ Superstar", but the color on the screen is like how it was in "300", and the setting, and the actors look like how it was in "The Passion of the Christ".
3. I need the film to be how the original was in regards of the men's toughness. i.e. I need the characters to be portrayed as very strong and brave men. Not weak sissies who cry a lot. I've seen and heard film and theater versions of "Jesus Christ Superstar" where characters like Judas, Jesus, and Pilate are all major wusses, and give the story and theater a bad name. I wouldn't like for people in the audience laughing at the story, and by having too many of the men crying all the time, and having them sing the songs in whiny voices, it makes it almost a comedy, and while "Jesus Christ Superstar" does have some funny moments, I wouldn't like for it to go overboard.
In this one, I'd like for the men to be very strong who DO break down in due time, but when they do, it's all the more powerful, and they do it alone. For example, I'd only like to see Judas break down and cry when he's alone, and about to kill himself. Other then that, I'd need him to be a Billy Bad-Ass full of anger and rage. He'd come close to breaking down when he first goes to the Jews to betray Christ, and right after he kisses Jesus, but he'd hold in it.
Peter of course would break down after his denial of Christ.
Jesus himself would also be a strong fighter, and would not cry until in the garden right before being arrested. Only he'd cry a little. Other then that, he'd keep his cool during the whole thing, and be a very brave character, just like how Ted Neeley made him out to be.
Pilate - He'd be very strong. A man's man. A John Wayne/Yul Brynner/Charles Bronson/Charlton Heston/Clint Eastwood/Robert Shaw/Lee Marvin kind of old-school man, and just barely break down until after Christ had been whipped 39 times, but Pilate would quickly recover.
4. All the Jewish characters should have American accents, and all the Roman characters should have English accents.
5. I was watching "300" last night, and despite what many of the theater elitists think, I still believe Gerald Butler would be great as Pilate. Clearly he couldn't look exactly like his character in "300" or some people would get confused. Maybe he could be clean shaven, and have less muscle. I also think the idea of Pilate being played by a well known actor who is surrounded by unknown actors would give the character of Pilate that extra edge, because then we the audience would see things more clearly from the characters point of view. i.e. Pilate was seen as famous by the people in his community, so they looked at him with more "Awe" then they would anyone else. In this remake of "Jesus Christ Superstar", I think with the exception of the role of Pilate, the cast should have nothing but unknown actors, so that if someone like Butler were to play the part of Pilate, when Pilate is on the screen, the audience, like the characters, would be in a more star-struck type of mode. I also realize Butler probably won't do anymore movies that would involve him singing since actors usually only do one music related movie, but it's still a nice thought, and I still think a big named actor should play the role.