Tanks and machine guns?

Does anyone know the purpose of the tanks and modern weaponry in the movie?

I always thought it was supposed to represent the timelessness of the story of Jesus' last week, like it will never be old or outdated.

Any other opinions?


i think it meant to show the danger and death that judas felt was coming closer to him and the other followers of jesus.


I think it was for the same reason they used modern-sounding songs...to give it a modern 'twist', like the story was being updated for a modern audience.


Nailed him to a cross?


The way I heard it was that it was a reference to the 6 day war and the fighting that still goes on in Israel/Palestine today


It was the Seventies. They did stuff like that a lot back then. It seemed edgy at the time. Don't worry about it; just relax and enjoy the movie.


yom kippur war happened in 1973


Israel had been in several wars and were viewed (still are) as a militaristic state.


Ironic foreshadowing of Waco.


It's just a spin on the popular tale. Updating yet still displaying the past.


Confound your lousy toll.. TROLL!


I took the jet fighters to signify that Judas couldn't take back or stop the violence he'd set into motion.

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
