In Anthony Bourdain's Top 10 Films
Pretty excellent list.
Bourdain's Boston episode of No Reservations was inspired by the film...
Bourdain held special reverence for one of America’s greatest unsung novelists regardless of genre, George V. Higgins, and his 1971 masterpiece The Friends of Eddie Coyle, which Bourdain called his favorite crime novel of all time. Set in the grimy barrooms of Boston, The Friends of Eddie Coyle is a dialogue-driven tale of hapless smalltime hoods. The book is all voice, delivered with an authenticity that reads like an FBI wiretap transcript. It’s easy to see why Bourdain held it in such high esteem. Fittingly, the Boston episode of No Reservations was filmed in the style of the 1973 film adaptation of The Friends of Eddie Coyle. It was suitably sordid.