This movie must have broken a lot of taboos.
The profanity and sexual aspects shown here are on a level that would even be controversial in a mass-market film today. I haven't watched the remake series but I doubt they would include the crucifix violation scene or have a child actress speak those lines in 2022. Even the desecrated religious statue with the traffic cone boobs and penis is something I don't think we would see today.
I'm curious about how this explicitness was allowed in 1973, and how audiences accepted it. I know it was in an era where a lot of barriers in the way of sex and violence were being broken in film such as The Wild Bunch, A Clockwork Orange and the mainstreaming of porno movies like "Deep Throat".
A film this explicit seems to have come out of nowhere for that time, though. It must have been extremely shocking. Were there calls to ban it? Why wasn't it X rated?