Freaked me out as a kid

I've mentioned this movie to a number of people over the years and it the response always falls into two categories: Either they've 1) never seen the movie before. Or 2) they've seen it as a kid and it seriously warped their mind. I saw this movie back in in the late-70s as a nine year old and it scared the crap out of me... especially the little men calling "Salllll-lyyy..." I think the next time I saw it was ten years later and it still have me freaked out. Now if hollywood wants to do a remake of something, I think this is the one for them to do. Not much in terms of special effects and no gore at all.. just a good scare.


I KNEW I wasn't nuts remembering this movie. I just looked up Kim Darby and her filmography and Voila! There it is, with a name and everything. I'm also glad to know I'M NOT the only one!!!!

FREAKED me out as a kid too!!! All I remember was her being dragged down stairs or something? Did the little creatures have pointy heads? I always think of them as gremlins.

I don't think I'd watch it again if I had the chance. Eeeewwww. A remake? No way.

The other freak me out as a kid, or young adult movie was Let's Scare Jessica to Death.


Here you go folks. I also remember this movie freaking me out. dont_be_afraid.htm



I can relate to you on this. I have been telling poeple about this movie since i was young. It seem as if only i seen the movie. This movie scared the crap out of and and was a beginning of a sleep disorder. After i seen this movie i use to run home from school do my home work and go staright to sleep while it was light out. I would wake up and go into my parents room wherre i stayed all night long awake in this Brown round recliner chair they had in their room. This was the best scarey movie ever and the only one that ever really scared me. FINALLY i found people that have seen and can relate to this movie. Do you know where i can get a copy of this lovely movie.


I got a really good DVD copy on eBay for about $20, last january... Was worth 100X the price!


This movie was one of those rare made-for-tv movies that has stayed with me. I thought it was the freakiest and possibly one of the scariest ever made. I rank this up there with The Night Stalker, Dark Night of the Scarecrow, Crowhaven Farm and some others to name just a few. I have bought both the VHS tape and the DVD.As for TV horror, it doesn't get any better than this. ABC was king back in the 1970's when it had it's movie of the week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays nights. I just wish ABC would do a channel of all the made for tv movies it made during that time. It would be great!


I was around 9 when I saw this and it also scared the crap out of me. The scenes that I clearly remember was Sally taking the shower with the creatures trying to shut off the light and the creatures dragging her down the stairs at the end.

I don't remember the bed scene BUT clearly remember as a kid being really afraid to have my arms or legs hanging off the bed. Now I realize it came from this movie.


This movie has always been at the top of my Creepiest of all time. During my first year of marriage me and my wife shared some of our scariest movies. I told her about this one, and we preceded to find it. It was hard to find, but luckily they had it at a local chain store on VHS. Now I know I saw it back in the late 70's - probably on Creature Feature with Doctor Paul Bearer (saw some really great creepy ones on that show Saturday afternoons with my mom), and I know the production value is of that time, but my wife thought it was dull. She laughed it up. I was so scared of that movie, and reading posts I now realize that this movie was the reason for my feet over the bed phobia. Then there came a scene when they are at a dinner party in the house; and the demons pull on Sally's leg, "Salllyyy, Sallllyyy". So being the funny guy I am, and knowing my wife thought it was all a farce - I proceeded to go along with it but adding, "Sallllyyy, Salllyyy, .... dinner's readyyy." We laughed so hard and still say that all the time. The house and the atmosphere really make this movie, creeeepy. But I don't tell me wife. I guess you had to see it then.
Found another hard to find one for my sis from the great 70's, "Race with the Devil"... but that's a different story altogether.


I too saw this movie in the 70's as a young kid. I have also throughout the
years asked others about it and to my wonderment no one I have spoken to had.
So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I by chance found this site and
finally knew I wasn't going out of my mind thinking I was the only one who saw this really incredible movie. But as far as Hollywood remaking it. I'm sorry
but for me only the original will do. Same as Stepford Wives (didn't even
waste my time to see) and others they sooooo royally ruined!!!


I remember this movie, it scared the crap out of me too. I was only 2 in 1973, so i guess i must have caught it on a repeat or something, but i was still pretty young when i did see it. Yeah I still have to be under some sort of cover , just to make sure my legs arent hanging over or my arm doesnt flop over the side. Our bed is pushed up against a wall and i sleep near the wall , with my wife on the side open to the room. I figure, if they come for us, they get her first and I can get away :). .. I remember Dr. Paul Bearer too, It was really sad when I heard he passed away. Damn I miss my childhood


I am another scared by this movie as a kid - I also will always remember the scene where Sally is being dragged & she is using the flash from her camera to try & frighten them off. I would love to see this movie again - I have not seen it in over 25 years.


It's been a walk down memory lane. It's was great to read all the posts on this. Yes, I've seen it. I was either 10 or 11, no matter, the out come was the same. What a psychological torment! I'm not saying I didn't love it, but think about it. It played heavily upon us because we were so vulnerable to the idea of being taken away, unwillingly, and in the dark! I will be the first to admit this movie effected me, how I sleep, and the bad dreams I've had over the years. But, as an adult, when I saw this movie again on a local station, I felt let down. The fear was not the same. The only thing that still gets under my skin, those little men, or little beings that seem to be from another place.
I hate looking under things, yeah, I know they're not there. But still!

Open it. Today might be your lucky day.


I think that's the reason it freaks people out. I mean, you're sure nothing is under there, but so was Sally. The rational part of our minds tell us we are safe, but are we really? The question always remains no matter how rational you are.


I don't think we are safe. Living is a chance we take every day.

Open it. Today might be your lucky day.


Point taken...


This is hysterical, my brother and I have been talking about this movie for years, and just today I finally found it! I thought it was way older than the 70's .. I remember it as being in black and white. Is that correct, or is my memory playing tricks on me?


It's a dangerous business going out your front door.
-- J. R. R. Tolkien



It WAS actually in color, but your memory is understandable, as it was filmed in a VERY dark & murky way, and much of the action takes place, you know, In The Dark.


Definitely in colour. But a lot of us saw it on Black and White T.V,s in those days. Usually the kids (which we were) were consigned the old Black and White T.V. set and were happy to get it -- and that's what we usually watched the forbidden movies on.

And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening
of the tropic of Sir Galahad.
