MovieChat Forums > Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) Discussion > OK -- what is it about this movie, anywa...

OK -- what is it about this movie, anyway? Why has it affected us?

I read that this movie really 'disturbed/touched/affected" a lot of us.

We hardly SAW the things that kidnapped Sally and made her one of them. They seem physically inferior/paltry/puny, yet invincible at the same time. From the glimpses we saw, they look like what you MIGHT glimpse at under the bed or if you look inside a dark basement or closet you're afraid of. Their beckon and call fills us with fear and an anticipation/dread at the same time. We DON'T know what they were or what their motives were. Overall it was a cheesy, low-budget movie. But it gave us all a weird feeling.

What WAS it about the movie???


I was about 16 when I saw this on tv. I think I remember the constant whispering and planning by the creatures scaring me the most. Also, they were so relentless in their pursuit of Sally, and she tried so hard to get her hubby and friend to believe her - finally her friend did. Those little things were no joke! I was afraid to go down the stairs after I saw it. Glad we didn't have a fireplace, lol. I have not forgotten it after all these years, just finished watching it on youtube.



I watched this again recently, the 1st time in 30 yrs.



Some great points by everyone. Certainly the faces and the look in their eyes and the whispering. The whispering was so maniacal and evil...and the excitement they have about getting the girl...I think at one point one of them says something like "Can't we kill her now?!?!" and then the other one says "soon" or something. It was my first exposure to the idea of something sort of lusting after getting to kill or scare someone. Very twisted. I also think the fact that they actually get the girl as someone mentioned in another post and that it was implied that once they get you you are stuck with them in that fireplave FOREVER. That was the part that got me too. That you couldn't even escape by death. And then the fact that the girl became one of them. It was also my first exposure to that...someone changing and becoming what they feared.

I was 3 or 4 years old when I saw this and I think that's also the key. So many of us saw this as young children and it's a bit much for a kid of that age I think. It was the 70's and I'm just not sure what my parents were thinking.


It was the 70s, your folks probably had "friends" over and didn't care what you were watching.



Was that in reply to my last post? Just curious...what did you mean my "friends". I'm not sure where you are going with that.
