Best line from the movie....
"Things ain't workin' out for me today!" - Homer Van Meter
share"I've got my own way of taking banks. I come in shooting, I kill everyone inside and I grab the dough. Very easy, it works very well. You don't like it, you get someone else."
"I admit, I have sinned; I have been a sinner, but I enjoyed it. I have killed men, but the dirty sons-of-bitches deserved it. The way I figure it, it's too late for no Bible. Thanks just the same, Ma'am."
"It's a joke. We'll laugh about it in the car."
" Since I was a kid all I wanted to do was rob banks"
" Have all that money, and have folks know who I am, with a picture of my face on all the post office walls!"
This movie had quite a few great lines, but my favorite is, "I intend to smoke one over everyone of their dead bodies." I might be paraphrasing, but you know the line I'm referring to.
"You miss. Turn over. This ain't no board of directors meeting."