Not very good.

I saw this when I was a kid around 20 years ago.
Now,I can say that it's somewhat very dated and really poor.

Shot in super 16,it looks totally washed out.The music's very cheesy.The actors are poor rejects from Deliverance and the creature's totally unconvincing.

I'd give this an Academy award for worst Documentary.


Who cares if it's washed out, Dated, Cheesy, with bad acting? You can go and watch any big budget shinny movie with attractive people anything you want, but something like this is rare. It's not meant for an academy award. It's meant for a late night drive thru double feature.


I definitely agree. In fact, I'm not sure I would like this film if it wasn't "dated." I wasn't alive in the 1970s, but it captures the feel of a rural, country town during that period exactly as I imagine it and makes me feel like I actually was there whenever I watch it. It's a very good monster movie, but it feels like a tour of a small town American community in the South during the '70s as well. The actors were also locals who really live in Fouke, Arkansas and supposedly had real encounters with the monster. It was the only movie they ever starred in. So to expect people who aren't professional actors and never wanted to be to give in Oscar winning performances in unreasonable. I love this movie whether other people do or not and all the things people typically list as flaws are all the things I enjoy about it.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


An interesting fact is they weren't actors. They were apparently real people re-enacting supposed true events.

The movie has a documentary feel, but not much for story if I remember correctly. It's really a series of events after another. You'd almost expect this to be a film made up of footage taken from an episode of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES or something. The music isn't too bad, though.

Its sequel "BOGGY CREEK II: AND THE LEGEND CONTINUES" feels a bit more like a real movie with actors, but it isn't that great. I'd recommend the MST3K version.


Boggy II tried too hard to be a substantial movie, and it failed badly. Boggy didn't try hard to be anything but a story about a mysterious creature and it's effect on unsophisticated people, and it worked.

I agree with you on the MST3K version; it's funny as hell and one of my favorite Mysty episodes.

