Not very good.

I saw this when I was a kid around 20 years ago.
Now,I can say that it's somewhat very dated and really poor.

Shot in super 16,it looks totally washed out.The music's very cheesy.The actors are poor rejects from Deliverance and the creature's totally unconvincing.

I'd give this an Academy award for worst Documentary.



I remember seeing this when I was 8 and being terrified, and it's since become a kind of litmus test: "What was the scariest movie you saw as a kid?"
Folks who say Boggy Creek (and they do!) are usually also fans of poor-quality Z-movies. Sort of like this imprinted our young minds as the benchmark.


Scared the poop out of me when I was a kid, but now it is pretty laughable.
It's Alive had a much bigger impact on me as a kid, but I will always have a soft spot for TLOBC.


Yes, after 30 years it's a cheesy, dated and laughable low-budget movie. But when I watch it alone late at night with all the lights off I remember being a scared 8-year old sitting in the bed of the pick-up at the drive-in, and dreading the long drive home down dark gravel roads. That's why I love this movie.


Which It's Alive?

There's a movie called that, about a guy who has this monster in a cave that he uses as a kind of tourist trap. He eventually takes this woman prisoner. When you finally get to see the mosnter, almost at the end, it's the worst piece of crap disappointment ever. Not at all scary.

"Dude, it's Lord Goblin King, not Lord Go Blinking!"


I saw this when I was about 7/8 in boarding school. It gave me nightmares for at least 6 months- it didn't help that the shool was surrounded by an old forest filled with owls and various other noisy creatures of the night! Still not being able to sleep at nights gave me ample time to polish my reading skills (about the only thing I gained from public school apart from arrogance and an aversion to manual labour).

I found a copy when I was 20 and even though it wasn't the return nightmare bearer I thought it could be I found it to be enjoyable on a whole lot of levels. Good show though.


i haven't seen this movie in over 25years and i remember it cus it scared the crap out of me when i was 6years old! im not even sure if this is the movie i remember watching all those years ago, but from what i've read here, and the bit of research i've done online, i'm sure this is the one. i'd love to see this again although i know i'd laugh at it now - it would be such a sentimental time warp for me though. does anyone know where i can get this at a reasonable price? i check ebay from time to time but no luck yet.


I got a copy on DVD from Media Play store. It is worth the money for sentimental reasons.

I too saw it as a kid it it scared the poo out of me... After I bought it, I watched it again and was dumbfounded as to how bad alot of it was (Oh, God...the music...and some of the narrative is just bizzarely horrid), but it still has a certain something.

The fact that it is based on actual encounters keeps my interest level up... also, I have lived in Ark (though not near Fouke), so that makes it more interesting to me also.

Yeah, it is really bad, but imagine watching it yourself alone in an old creeky house on a dark rode in the country outside of Fouke, Ark ... hmmm... think you would want to go to the out-house?


I forgot to mention this in my first post above...

after re-seeing the movie, and having a continued interest in it due to the fact that I had lived in Ark (after seeing it the first time as a kid), and am thinking about moving back someday I got to surfing the i-net to see if there was any newer sightings etc... and I came across this web site:

I was shocked to say the least! I guess there is still alot of interest in it (that, being bigfoot type creatures living in the wild in Ark and other states also) and fairly current sightings.

Make sure you check out the link on the sightings page to the BFRO database... alot of sighting/encounter stories there.

I am not sure where I stand on believing the stories to be accurate or not... it in some ways seems really wild to think that there could be a yet 'undiscovered' species of 'primate' living pretty much all over the US without a single concrete finding/capturing/killing of a body yet...

but, I will say this also, there is a very woodsy park near where I live that I hike in all the time... it is chock-full of deer, yet out of all the hikes every year I have been taking for 10+ years there, I have actually only seen a deer once, and have never seen a dead deer... so that does in some small way give creadence to the theory that a species with a small population, and enough intellegence to try to remain hidden, could possibly go for generations without being 'discovered'...maybe...


There was recently an article from my hometown newspaper in New Mexico about a siteing of a "bigfoot." They examined the area and dismissed it as a bear. When I used to work at a power plant where it's not very populated, my co-workers used to talk about people finding "bigfoot" prints around an area near a river. That was almost twelve years ago but I found it interesting that something happened again recently in that area. I don't know if I believe it but you never know.
Also, I bought the DVD for this movie and it was fun watching it again. It still kind of scared me.


Unfortunately, I was a teenager when I saw this movie with my brother, so I did not experience the fear. Worst movie either of us has ever seen, but endearingly so. I plan to give him the DVD for Christmas.


Why do people use "dated" like it's some kind of insult or put down? The movie was made over thirty years ago! Of course it's going to be dated!

Of all the criteria by which movies are judged, that one has to be the most ridiculous...


Finally somebody with some sense. I hate it when I hear people say that. Do they expect it NOT to be dated?

So when you're in Texas look behind you/'Cus that's where the Ranger's gonna be.



this film would be nice. i like king king too


I saw this movie when it first came out, I think I was 7 or 8 years old and to this day it was the most scared I have ever been, just nosing out "Halloween".
I had to sleep with my brother, no way in hell I was going to bed alone after watching LOBC. I use to look out my window at night to make sure I didn't see some big,hairy creature coming for me. I watched it again about 10 years ago on "Joe Bob Briggs Drive In Theatre" & I laughed my ass off at it then. But for all of my youth I use to hate going to the crapper for fear a big hairy hand was going to come through the bathroom window!


I was about 8/9 when this was shown in the UK in winter time and it got to
me and my friend joe so much that we thought we had our own monster in the forest near our houses.

we 'saw' it on a couple of occasions and it was our secret, funny being a kid you have such a wild imagination.


I went to see this movie during the summer of '72 with by best buddy in third grade. I bought a VHS of it a few years ago, hoping I could give it to him as a gag gift.

He is now somewhere in Iraq, doing special ops work. His own wife and kids have barely any contact with him; he has grown a beard and has been trained to speak Farsi. God only knows what he is doing. Little did we know 34 years ago how things would turn out.

Anyway, this movie is not bad at all, especially if you are nine years old, or nine years old at heart. That is the only way to take it.



Hey there

I read your Halloween II review. It was... Eh.
But you said that you were an extra on the film. Who were you?



Oh come on, you've got to love at least the music. I adore the music! "Oh Travis Crabtree ...".


It was'nt supposed to be academy award material.It was an ultra low budget movie made to get the story out.We already know what you have stated in your post.You did'nt have to point out the obvious.But for what it was it was excellent.


I totally disagree with you. Considering the budget, directing, and non-professional acting I believe that is one of the best movies of it's kind ever made. I've watched every documentary/pseudodocumentary I can find on weird things like the Loch Ness monster, bigfoot, werewolves, vampires, etc. and this one stands out, maybe because it didn't try to be anything more than what it was.. a low-keyed budget documentary.


I concur 100% with indy_go_blue44 and tracker220. The Legend of Boggy Creek is actually a very well made movie. I still put it in the DVD player from time to time (it's a guilty pleasure favorite of mine). But objectively speaking, the film is definitely not Grade-Z schlock. There's nothing Ed Wood-esque about this movie. The screenplay is good -- not great, but good. The pacing is effective. The documentary-style works. Yes, it's dated -- of course it's dated -- it was made in 1972 (!!!). Most films from 1972 are dated (with the exception of The Godfather). But it tells a compelling story. And the natural-style acting -- while some may find it off-putting -- actually adds to the documentary style of the film. Maybe it could've done without the two musical interludes -- but you know what? All of those old forties Abbott and Costello movies probably could've done without the musical interludes, too. The two folk-style songs in the film make it all the more a product of its times. And too much of the creature's face was revealed later in the film, when he attacked those two families at the secluded house. But these are pretty minor criticisms. I'm amazed with how well the film still holds up. It's still chilling after all these years. And as a pseudo-documentary, it helped pave the way for movies like Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield. It's a really, really good movie.

