Johnson freaked out in Crow cemetery
One of the visceral scenes in the beautiful movie, "Jeremiah Johnson", has Jeremiah, riding back through the Crow cemetery alone when something 'spooks' or 'freaks' him out and he spurs his horse into a gallop to get the out of there fast. It was one thing to be in the company of a number of men riding through the cemeterey, but it is totally another thing to be alone going through a spooky graveyard even in broad daylight.
Myself, there were instances in my life when I was alone at the moment but scared inside and totally wishing I had a companion by my side. Even if the person wasn't capable of defending me, it would have been better than being alone. Just having someone who's also an adult next to you in uncertain circumstancess really helps calm one's fears.
Johnson wasn't just 'freaked' out for himself, though. He somehow 'sensed' something was wrong back home and his worst fears were realized.
Johnson takes on six (6) Crow warriors in a seemingly suicidal, kamikazie attack. But he decimates the war party except one he leaves alive, possibly because the warrior was invoking an Indian chant to spare his life.
1) Jeremiah used the element of surprise. No bunch of six guys expects one man to attack them all.
2) Jeremiah attacked with cold fury without fear. He was near psychotic at that moment. An assailant who has lost his own fear of death is dangerous.
3) Jeremiah was armed with three firearms which he used to quickly whittle down the war party to 50% of its original number, substantially lessening the odds. Still using the element of surprise, he took out another warrior with the swing of his Hawken rifle butt.
4) The sixth indian wisely ran away after seeing madman Johnson quickly take out five of his war party buddies.