MovieChat Forums > Gargoyles (1972) Discussion > STILL CREEPY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS


This movie scared the hell out of me when I saw in on t.v. back in '72 (I was seven years old at the time).

Watching it today, it still has some creepy elements to it.

When they slow the gargoyles down and show them moving in "slow motion", that makes them very sinister and creepy. The music is cool, too. And the sound effect that resembles a power drill being revved up (which they play whenever a gargoyle is running, jumping, etc.) is still very eerie!

Also, the scene where Cornell Wylde is lying in bed, and looks down at the foot of the bed to see a gargoyle's clawed hands pop up right by his feet, though cheesy, is still creepy!

But the scene I remember creeping me out back in '72 is when the search party comes across the pickup truck that's stuck in low gear, just going around in circles, round and round. They finally jump in and stop it, and find the front seat covered in blood. Very foreboding.

And the head gargoyle, even after all these years, still looks very demonic and evil! I remember the scene when he rides up on horseback and tells Cornell Wylde, "you want to see the girl? Leave that (the gun) and follow me!" Even on horseback, he's very scary and demonic!

Absolutely one of my best childhood t.v. memories.............


And the head gargoyle, even after all these years, still looks very demonic and evil! I remember the scene when he rides up on horseback and tells Cornell Wylde, "you want to see the girl? Leave that (the gun) and follow me!" Even on horseback, he's very scary and demonic!

I have the opposite response. I find Bernie Casey in that scene to be very seductive and sexy. He looks so beautiful on that horse. He had such a command of that costume and his presence commanded every scene he's in. The scene that particularly gets me is the one where Diana is reading to him and he comes up behind her. I always wanted to see an x-rated version of that scene.

Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head. -Anon
