Idiocy of Liberals

Here's and excellent example of the stupidity of real life liberals! Hilarious in fact.

I just watched the Deluxe Ed. DVD which has cast and crew interviews. Rydell and Dern are whimpering about their politics and the fact John Wayne is conservative they had severe reservations on working with him. Illustrating the fact liberals are perfectly capable of prejudice, censoring and "blackballing". (see John Voight's recent troubles).

But the great part is they are so full of themselves they fail to take note they are creating a very conservative film full of "conservative values" (as they see conservative values)! Guns, violence revenge. Children "drafted" out of school. Hard core discipline, no quarter responses. Quintessential John Wayne film with John Wayne "conservative values" in your face!

Frankly I try to avoid the liberal vs. conservative angle but these guys go out of their way to make the points about John Wayne and label themselves liberals. They are out and out stating "we don't want to work with John Wayne because of his politics" Yet these same knucklehead bleeding hearts are still bemoaning McCarthyism and HUAC! (BTW There was an actual threat in the '50's and dopes like Pete Seeger were blatant Stalinists!)

And they don't even see it! They think it's perfectly reasonable to blackball those who don't think like you. Funny in fact as they chuckle throughout.



Hell yea

Hollywood is eat up more with these dimwits now even than in 71

They wouldn't make this flick now


Right wing trolls make me sick.



(BTW There was an actual threat in the '50's and dopes like Pete Seeger were blatant Stalinists!)

The "threat" was wildly exaggerated and misplaced; indeed, going after leftists in the entertainment industry constituted a convenient and predictable form of political grandstanding, and little else.

To call Pete Seeger a "dope" makes you seem much more intolerant than Rydell and Dern may have been.


It is the war mongering money stealing conservatives that have destroyed America.


As usual, turn IMDb into Breitbart or FoxNews! Listen, both sides are equally adept at being complete tone-deaf, egotistical twats.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


"The Cowboys," containing as it does several uses of the N-word, a Jewish child trampled to death by animal hooves, a black man cursed, abused, dragged with a rope around his neck and nearly lynched, and a gory shooting, certainly should be sufficient to warm the cockles of your little conservative heart. If not, why don't you watch a couple of Nazi films?
