Here's and excellent example of the stupidity of real life liberals! Hilarious in fact.
I just watched the Deluxe Ed. DVD which has cast and crew interviews. Rydell and Dern are whimpering about their politics and the fact John Wayne is conservative they had severe reservations on working with him. Illustrating the fact liberals are perfectly capable of prejudice, censoring and "blackballing". (see John Voight's recent troubles).
But the great part is they are so full of themselves they fail to take note they are creating a very conservative film full of "conservative values" (as they see conservative values)! Guns, violence revenge. Children "drafted" out of school. Hard core discipline, no quarter responses. Quintessential John Wayne film with John Wayne "conservative values" in your face!
Frankly I try to avoid the liberal vs. conservative angle but these guys go out of their way to make the points about John Wayne and label themselves liberals. They are out and out stating "we don't want to work with John Wayne because of his politics" Yet these same knucklehead bleeding hearts are still bemoaning McCarthyism and HUAC! (BTW There was an actual threat in the '50's and dopes like Pete Seeger were blatant Stalinists!)
And they don't even see it! They think it's perfectly reasonable to blackball those who don't think like you. Funny in fact as they chuckle throughout.
...and live in their mansions which require a ton of heat/electricity, drive around in gas guzzling limos etc.,etc. all the while preaching to us how to live ! Their hypocrisy truly knows no bounds. Most of 'em have no more than a HS diploma (if that) yet they are looked upon as 'experts' on everything from foreign relations, economics to earth sciences and on and on.
Conservatives are hypocrites. They claim that American businesses bring innovation; however, in the last 30 years, they have done everything to prevent alternative energy sources to fuel our economy and reduce our depend on gasoline. Furthermore, many of them get tax breaks and subsidies without putting anything back into the economy (sounds like welfare bums to me). So much for conserative values and pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps.
Many conservatives have HS diplomas and don't know a thing about the world. In addition, many of conseratives have college degrees and think they are "experts" on anything and everything and don't know about running corporations or knowing the technical side of their organizations like engeering, sciences, and don't know nor care about other cultures and people.
Many liberal actors got blackballed during the McCarthyism because they refuse to believe all the Red Scare stuff while you had many conservative actors like Ronald Reagan who would not hestitate to turn you in if they thought they could profit by it.
we are hypocrites? LOL! That is the school of thought from the liberals, and I understand it. It is only because liberals lack the wit or intelligence to figure a truth when they see it. We have a dependence on gasoline. You are correct. But, please, tell me, one thing that is cheaper? Oh, sunlight and wind...but neither are dependable. Electric cars? If all the cars in the use were electric, we would have to build more plants to provide electricity for those cars. Gasoline really is very cheap. Buy a gallon of almost anything else and compare it to the cost of gasoline. We do care about people. We just don't think it's our job to clothe, feed, and house everybody in the third world. We take care of our own, but not forever. There are just as many conservative charities as they are liberal charities. We just have more prudence on who gets the charities.
We have a dependence on gasoline. You are correct. But, please, tell me, one thing that is cheaper?
Alcohol. It's easy and cheap to make. But then there would not be a monoploy for oil and this country would not be so screwed up by the greedy bastards in control. Can't have THAT, can we? Gasoline could easily be less than half the price it is now and the profit margin would still be ridiculous. GREED.
Electric cars? If all the cars in the use were electric, we would have to build more plants to provide electricity for those cars.
LMAO I had to read that several times to make sure you weren't joking. Are you really THAT uninformed? When you factor in the power that would NOT be used by gas pumps and other equipment used in the petroleum indusrty, electric cars could easily be fueled by our EXISTING power output. Do a little research, man. Check out the film "Who Killed The Electric Car?". If the oil companies had not repeatedly killed the elctric car decades ago, the so-called "oil shortage" would never have happened. But then, the excuses for jacking up gas prices would not be there either.
"Draw from your past, but do not let your past draw from you" -Master Bra'tac, Stargate: SG-1
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And WHAT does all this bla bla bla talk about gasoline vs green *beep* have to do with "The Cowboys"? Why dont you guys go to a liberal vs conservative website and continue on with your endless *beep*
What I like is that they mention their reservations about the Duke's political views in order to counter it with what a great guy he turned out to be. Thus pointing out their own short-sightedness.
Conservatives lack the wit and the intelligence to figure out the truth when they see it. Sunlight and wind are dependable and they do not run out unlike oil. Gasoline is not cheap and conservatives do not care about people and the only time conservative care about people is there own group (rich people and corporations).
You don't think it is your job to clothe, feed, and house everybody in the world; however, you want knock off any third world politican who wants to do so because it would cut into your profits. You also have that same attitude of not wanting your own fellow citizens to have clothes on their backs, a roof over their heads, and food in their bellies.
You do not have more prudence on who gets the charities (like bailing out Wall Street but not helping to bail out the average person).
Go preach your green sheat somewhere else, you dripping liberal. This is not the forum for it. Youre a typical liberal, now call me some names or something else cheap like good little liberals do.
... while your conservatives live in modest energy-efficient homes and drive around in small gas-sipping cars, never EVER preaching to the rest of us about how to live. Okay, got it. Wow, what a trip down the rabbit-hole. And all these undereducated liberal 'experts' in the media: fascinating! Why don't you provide three or four names so we can all benefit from your discovery? 'Cause where I work most folks have a PhD and they're about 90% liberal.
...and live in their mansions which require a ton of heat/electricity, drive around in gas guzzling limos etc.,etc. all the while preaching to us how to live ! Their hypocrisy truly knows no bounds. Most of 'em have no more than a HS diploma
With no more than a high school diploma, they live in mansions and drive limos?
Maybe you should find some sources other than right-wing radio.
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The idiocy of partisan hacks who have to read something political into everything. If you really want to work yourself into a lather, check out the politics of the epitome of "real American values" - Andy Griffith. Then, get back to us and tell us what a louse old Andy is, k?
It's a great movie - one of the best of all times. Embodies teamwork and esprit de corps, loyalty, honor and true grit. Who gives a damn what some of the actors think? While I agree that their feelings about Wayne's politics are irrelevant to the movie's value, we have this thing called freedom of speech in America - whether the speech is to your liking or not. You might find it hard to believe, but many of those who are not Republicans also value family, hard work, honesty, self-discipline and accountability and also appreciate the great country we all live in. Some of them even wear uniforms. Most of them really care about our country and have for a long, long time - they didn't just start caring when a guy with excess melanin took office. Tea-baggers kept their mouths shut about out of control spending when a white Republican ran us into a muddy ditch; when a dark skinned man enables Keynesian economic theory (look it up) to strengthen our infrastructure and provide relief to our own citizens - he's evil! God forbid our money goes to creating home-based work projects and not to pouring it down a sandy hole in a country where teaching American-style democracy is like trying to teach a dog to meow or a cat to bark. Palin-Americans don't have a lock on patriotism and you piss off and further disenfranchise a large portion of America when you question their patriotism, be advised. Many of us "liberals" are pretty damn independent - we can survive on the land and know how to defend our property. Palin-Americans and Teabaggers may be the loudest but those who are loud, obnoxious, xenophobic and afraid of anything different are not to be admired - they are to be pitied for their backward views. Luckily, within 10-15 years, most will have passed to the great beyond (old age) but they'll still have to answer to The Big Guy and try to explain their hatred of some of His children. You can't just be a Christian on Sunday morning - try telling Him "Who would Jesus hate?" and see how far that gets you. Get your asbestos boxer shorts on, gramps.
It must be a narrow, narrow world you live in when you think in stereotypes and define your view of America in those stereotypes - "All (fill in the blanks!) are (fill in the blanks!)". An overpaid, substance abusing shock-jock and half-term, attention whore quitter who only care about filling their bank account form the extent of your world-view, and cause you to hate/distrust/wish ill will upon your fellow Americans.
And St Reagan is not all that. Do some research on the after-effects of the deregulation of the finanicial markets under Reagan's watch. That laid the groundwork for the big financiers to set us up for financial ruin to put fast bucks in their pocket. Sure, he was a great motivator and speaker and that is to be admired but (outside of Fox News) do some research on his policies and the legacies of them. Listen up. Big banks and Wall Street are not the friend of the common man. Search (The Rand Corporation is a non partisan research site) for yourself. Marching on a Wednesday to protest billionaires not getting a tax break makes you nothing but a sucker.
Just enjoy the wonderful movie for what it is and check your politics at the door - if that is possible for you. If you truly want to partake in an intelligent, bipartisan political forum, I invite you to Try to keep up.
"when a dark skinned man enables Keynesian economic theory (look it up) to strengthen our infrastructure and provide relief to our own citizens..."
Just when is this miracle going to occur, you sniveling pile of $h!t! I've been waiting for this lemon of a president to do something other than spend money. I love that stimulus.....any of the monies paid back, went straight into the "re-elect Barack Obama" fund. He's a crook, just like every other politician on both sides of the isle.
As for you, my hypocritical friend, the only good liberal is a silent one or a dead one. All they are capable of is spending other peoples money on social programs in order to get elected to office.
If they can't get your money for a program on its merit, they'll just make up a lie and get it that way.
The only good liberal is a silent one or a dead one.
Them's fightin' words.
All they are capable of is spending other peoples money on social programs in order to get elected to office.
Still a damn sight better than the con servatives who spend other peoples' money on themselves and their corporate goons to get elected to office.
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The liberal actors worked with John Wayne in spite of their political disagreements. It seems to me, if they did have prejudices, as you say, they were able to overcome them to make the movie. So what's the problem?
i think it's the very idea that a movie was being made, just a movie. there was an actor with conservative values, and some liberal actors had to think had over acting in a movie with a conservative. it does sound very shallow, also, years later on bonus features, they bring up the "issue," which really is a non-issue. wayne pleaded to work with a director who didn't share his values...and there aren't any quotes by wayne saying things like "ell i really wanted the part, but my fellow actors are so left-leaning.." it's a movie, and it's just something childish these particular liberals did. i'm sure conservatives do it too, but i saw a headline about zach galifinakis on the casting of someone in the hangover 2.
John Wayne crucified the movie High Noon as un-American! Because it depicted one man standing up for what was right while an entire town laid down. His problem was that he took offense to characterization of the townspeople. He felt Americans wouldn't behave that way. How naive!
Wayne was on the money about High Noon being a ridiculous depiction of how Westerners would react to a gang of outlaws, not for political reasons, but for historical reasons. The premise; four guys are coming to town, throwing the sheriff and the townsmen into a panic. The sheriff runs around looking for help, but everybody is terrified that the outlaws will get 'em, so no one will help. Really? Please cite me an example of four outlaws being able to "tree" a whole Western town, if you can. I can cite multiple examples of outlaw gangs trying to rob banks in Western towns and getting their @$$es shot off by the p!ssed-off townies, from Northfield, Minn. to Coffeyville, Kansas. There are also examples of outlaws surrendering to lawmen to escape the wrath of townfolks. High Noon is based on an "idiot plot", and Howard Hawks & John Wayne were quite correct in branding it hogwash. Sorry to gore anyone's sacred cow, but High Noon is a stupid and completely unrealistic film.
Well, I don't see Americans coming together to drive street gangs out of their neighorbhoods bcause they know that the gangs would not hestitate to kill them and considering the fact that many so called "law biding" Americans buy drugs from gangs and sell guns to the gangs. You also have many "law biding" Americans who are more than willing to laundry street gang money as well.
Many Americans own guns; however, they do not have the ruthless to take on gangs; however, these same Americans would not hestitate to so down Occupy Wall street protestors, liberals, communists, socialists, and labor unions activists because these groups are soft targets who keep their guns at home. It is much easier to be a tough hombie against helpless people than against a group of people who can shoot back at you.
Maybe that is the message of High Noon, that many ordinary citizens are nothing but huge windbags and cowards when it comes to laying down their own lives when dealing with evil people.
It's seriously disengenuous to characterize John Wayne as just an actor who had conservative values. It's an understatement, like calling the Civil War a minor scuffle.
i think it's the very idea that a movie was being made, just a movie. there was an actor with conservative values, and some liberal actors had to think had over acting in a movie with a conservative. it does sound very shallow, also, years later on bonus features, they bring up the "issue," which really is a non-issue. wayne pleaded to work with a director who didn't share his values...and there aren't any quotes by wayne saying things like "ell i really wanted the part, but my fellow actors are so left-leaning.." it's a movie, and it's just something childish these particular liberals did.
... yes, that's all fair enough. However, while I wouldn't see any reason to avoid working with John Wayne even though he proved highly conservative, one might want to consider the context of the times. Wayne was obviously a major supporter of the Vietnam War (The Green Berets) at a time when the war was extremely divisive and polarizing, responsible for the deaths of many American countrymen (not to mention Vietnamese and other Asians). Additionally, although Wayne said that he never named 'named names,' he did endorse the anti-Communist or anti-leftist purges in Hollywood after World War II that remained very controversial and inflammatory for decades afterwards. So the issue for Rydell and Dern may not have been working with a conservative per se, but working with someone who had taken such staunch positions on such painful issues.
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The liberal actors worked with John Wayne in spite of their political disagreements. It seems to me, if they did have prejudices, as you say, they were able to overcome them to make the movie. So what's the problem?
... yeah; much ado about nothing.
By the way, Rydell directed the movie, which was arguably the best film that John Wayne starred in after 1962.
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I will never get over conservatives and their ability to see everything in black & white. Grow up, f!cking idiot. BTW, I noticed that despite John Wayne's political beliefs, he had no problem making movies in "liberal hollywood" That completely destroys your entire blackballing argument. As for Jon Voight, his problem is that he keeps doing crappy movies. His most well-known movie of recent years was Transformers for f!cks sake.
And liberals usually respond with some sort of diatribe about the evils of Big oil, or the Iraq war, usually a bunch of liberal talking points as to how 'evil' conservatives are, without realizing that they are completely digressing from the topic.
You are right. Hollywood Liberals are the most fascist and intolerant bunch in existence. Note I made NO SUCH comment on the merit of their beliefs. I am however disgusted at their viciousness and hypocrisy when dealing with anyone with a different viewpoint. Intolerance of an opposing viewoint neither a liberal nor conservative stance, but the Liberals embrace censorship and blacklisting whole heartedly without batting an eye lash.
Since they CONTROL Hollywood, they can't even LIE and say that conservatives do it in the film business. Even they can't stretch the truth THAT MUCH.
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.
Conservatives both inside and outside Hollywood are the most fascist and intolerant bunch in existence. Furthermore, they are the most vicious and hypocrists when dealing with anyone with a different viewpoint plus they embrace censorship and blacklisting whole heartedly without batting an eyelash and have been doing it for the last 11 years. Conservatives do lied alot and don't know what the truth is let along believe in it.
You should rename your username as Sip tea WHILE HIGH tea... hahahaha. Where exactly do you get your info? Unless you drink the koolaid 24/7 ... which seems to be the case, your entire post is a raving hysterical partisan rant, devoid of any objectivity. Much of the conservative resentment is because of the bias of the liberal media which did MUCH of what you described, but against anyone who opposed their view. Want to see a bunch of fascists? Look at the LEFT in Hollywood, who blacklists anyone who is NOT a liberal. :)
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.
You are right. Hollywood Liberals are the most fascist and intolerant bunch in existence. Note I made NO SUCH comment on the merit of their beliefs. I am however disgusted at their viciousness and hypocrisy when dealing with anyone with a different viewpoint. Intolerance of an opposing viewoint neither a liberal nor conservative stance, but the Liberals embrace censorship and blacklisting whole heartedly without batting an eye lash.
... care to provide some examples? The historical support for censorship and blacklisting, especially in Hollywood, has come from conservatives.
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You obviously know nothing about history SINCE the 1950s. To say that Hollywood's venom and vindictiveness comes from the right has no clue about the world as it is now. Give it up. Your posts make you look really unintelligent.
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.
You obviously know nothing about history SINCE the 1950s.
Did you know that many Hollywood moguls, including Universal president Lew Wasserman, supported Richard Nixon in 1972?
To say that Hollywood's venom and vindictiveness comes from the right
I didn't say that. I think that you're looking for some scapegoat, and you'll find much more "venom and vindictiveness" coming from your radio or whatever media sources are influencing you.
Your posts make you look really unintelligent.
I have been speaking to history and specific examples. Let me know when you provide specific examples.
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Man. No wonder the country is in such sorry shape, with irrationalists like yourself walking around able to vote.
You try to "avoid" liberal v. conservative? What a joke. Yeah, you never talk about it, like when you started this thread.
You talk about liberals "blackballing" Wayne (as if they had anywhere near the power to do it), and yet these specific "liberals" DID work with him, and Wayne had a long and distinguished movie career in "liberal" Hollywood.
I'll bet you ten dollars you even talk about the "liberals" who are responsible for the morally reprehensible content in TV, film, and all of mass culture--even though the companies who control and profit from that mass culture are almost universally owned and operated by heavily right-wing, anti-government, typically Republican CEOs and boards of directors.
This is too deep a concept for you and others on this thread who support your ridiculous position, but just in case: The fact is, people like you engage in a constant tautology in which you take anything and everything that is objectionable to you and label it as "liberal," and then ascribe those qualities whenever the word "liberal" is used. Of the people I know who are active in progressive politics, at least half own guns and would have no problem whatsoever with either fictional or nonfictional depictions of self-defense. They have no problem whatsoever with hard work; they do have a problem with Wall Street moguls who barely work at all but get rich off the work of others, after three straight decades of Reaganite deregulation and one financial disaster after another beginning during Reagan's term and culminating with the utter catastrophe at the end of Bush Jr.'s term. As for discipline, I know of few to none of these people who have any difficulty with either the concept or the execution of disciplining their kids; in fact, where I see the problem far more often is in the children of rich and privileged kids, many of whom think they're 100% entitled to everything and have no behavioral standards whatsoever.
But for somebody like you, none of that matters. You build your caricatures, you fill your head full of sh$% on Fox News and Limbaugh or whatever else confirms your biases, and then you come out here on the Internet and vomit it all up again as if it's anything more than an imaginary construct, self-confirming amongst your own crowd but completely unconvincing to anybody else. What an empty life.
Oh, by the way: You'd probably call me a "liberal," although that would be a really oversimplified and caricatured thing to say (but I doubt you'd care about that), and yet I absolutely LOVE this film, as I did several of Wayne's movies. Most of the "liberals" I know would say the same--but not the ones who exist in your straw-man fantasy.
Damn Americans are weirdddd. A country with 2 right wing parties. that has warped conservatism, warped religion. Obama is a mild conservative in policy and would run as a mild conservative in most other western nations.
Exactly right. One party center right, the other one nutbag right--and the nutbag right has their voters convinced that the center-righters are "socialists" and "liberals." Talk about off the rails.