Aguirre the broth of god AKA the most depressing travel documentary you'll ever see (1972) SPOILERS
-this is german film about spanish people
-in the amazon
-with some indians
-but not like the normal indians
-we're talking about the native ones
-the slaves and all that back then
-so like the main character
-is some fucking blonde psychopath who wants to fuck his own daughter
-he's such a prick you know
-he's like that guy at school that tried to bully everyone
-but usually the teachers sorted them out eventually
-(or escalating drug abuse did)
-but in the film the guy has a fucking sword
-imagine if little bullying simon had a sword?
-you wouldnt trust him with scissors
-so anyway
-the other main guy is some cool as fuck red viper type character
-he's got long hair and he speaks spanish (english)
-so the blonde prick with the sword hates him
-cos blondie has shitty thin hair
-but spanish guy has perfectly a conditioned think mane of hair
-so blondie is jealous af
-and is all like omg
-so he does a mutiny and all
-and stuff
-and decides to fuck off down a river
-to submerge himself in the furnace of ambition born of treachery that led Cortez the killer to fuck off eating paella and drinking wine through the day and find some shit to fuck up on his gap year in south america
-or something man i dont know
-this film has a fuck ton of monkeys though