MovieChat Forums > Sanford and Son (1972) Discussion > Unwatchable Jump the Shark episodes

Unwatchable Jump the Shark episodes

Sad when the characters start collecting the check only with no regard for creativity. I saw one where Fred dresses as a WWII General in a flashback as he tells his Godson type a long story. Lamont strolls in with a terrible march, which turns out to be the highlight since all other jokes go flat. Regulars like Esther, Grady and Julio had enough sense to stay far away. They had a couple fill ins in the roles that they normally would play. Have you seen this one ? Did you like ? Which other ones are unwatchable (I turned the channel, which is pretty bad).


I didn't mind them bring in non-relatives, because Dennis Burkley was a gifted comic actor, and he and Foxx did have a nice chemistry. And with Lamont gone, Fred would have to hire someone to help with the business, anyway. But from what I could remember, there was no mention of the Sanford Arms, and that is where I think the real humor was. Seeing Fred trying to run a broken down boarding house and having to deal with wacky tenants, health inspectors and hired help would have been really funny.


Season 6 definitely takes a downhill turn, and Lamont seems more angry than usual. The show was canceled despite high ratings at the time, and by then ratings really became king...


I personally thought that Sanford and Rising Son was a great episode. Fred's banter with Ah Chew was hilarious. He refered to Ah Chew as the Asian Flu. He joked that Ah Chew may be hiding a cat in the sauce. Fred also commented on the fact that Ah Chew's cooking looked like "low tide in Long Beach".

Trolls make me laugh


I didn't like the season 6 episodes arcs of Lamont preparing to get married to Janet. I guess the writers felt the same way because they had the engagement abruptly ending by having Janet get back with her ex husband.


The show that didn't have Fred OR Lamont in it! That was the hands-down WORST!

The final show where Fred went to night school, Fred meeting that girl who looked like Elizabeth, Fred meets Redd, Lamont and Fred taking in that pregnant woman, and The Greatest Show in Watts were also stinkers to me.

A lot of people mentioned the Hawaiian episodes, but I didn't think they were THAT bad...and ya gotta love Barbara Rhoades (the actress that played that redheaded bimbo crook Gladys---I thought that she was really funny)!

I also liked that episode with B.B. King.

Why do they call 'em soap operas anyway? Those things are FILTHY!----Fred Sanford


The worse episode was the one where Fred falls in love with a man impersonating a woman. You can even hear the studio audience mocking Fred for his obvious blindness and stupidity!
