MovieChat Forums > The Bob Newhart Show (1972) Discussion > Newhart vs. The Bob Newhart Show

Newhart vs. The Bob Newhart Show

What do you think?

However much is pains me (I want to love this show. It has everything, real retro 70s feel; about a shrink; a story about a couple in the big city) my money is on Newhart.
Better script, better characters, better acting, for some reason more heart.

Then again, I haven't seen more than one season of The Bob Newhart Show - does it get "better"?

I sort of dislike The Bob Newhart Show because it seems that "Bob" is _only_ a straight man, the voice of reason in a world populated by complete idiots.
I'd like _one_ show without "Bob" telling his wife to "sit down" because "he needs to explain something to her" and the say "listen here".

But it might grow on me like Maude.


The first season of the Bob Newhart Show is, in my opinion, the worst. The actors begin to find their place in the second season and they mesh very well after the first season.

I tried to watch Newhart but I just don't get the same family feeling I get when I watch TBNS. The only character I really like is George which is probably because he was Peeper on TBNS. TBNS is realistic. You have the home life with Emily and Howard, then you have the work life with Carol, Jerry, Carlin, etc.

And, if you keep watching, you will see that Emily is far more reasonable than Bob is. Emily becomes much stronger, more like Suzanne Pleshette, after the first season. Their chemistry is fantastic, something I did not see with the other lady (whose name I forgot) in Newhart.


The "other lady" was [the late] Mary Frann whose background was in soap operas. Agreed - not the same chemistry. You KNEW that Bob and Emily got it on; with Dick and Joanna, you pictured either separate beds ( a la Dick Van Dyke, I Love Lucy, etc...) or maybe they even slept in separate rooms.


I remember liking Newhart but it was never consistently as funny as The Bob Newhart Show. I do agree with the person who said the earlier series got better after the first season, but I liked it better than Newhart as well.

Newhart had some tremendously funny episodes, but it had more duds and a lot that were just "decently funny"--translate that to a 6 or 7 on your 1-10 scale. The 70s series more often had 8s or 9s, to me.

For the record, the first season of Bob, where he was a cartoonist, but back in Chicago was as good as the best season of either of his previous series, if not better.

I think Newhart lacked the different workplace, in general, that made the other series so good. When Bob was going to work daily and roughly half the action took place there, half at home, this was when the shows were at their best. In Newhart, Dick was at home at the Stratford except for a few times doing some work on his TV show "Vermont Today." And, in my memory, some of the best episodes were when he was doing that show--such as the one about the "world's smallest horse."

But mostly, he was just sitting around the Stratford and it wasn't as funny.

Still a good series, far better than most.


I'm starting to appreciate The Bob Newhart show now. Still love Newhart more - it has more "heart".
I'm getting "comfortable" with the characters on TBNS, but I still get annoyed when Bob tells his wife to "sit down, honey" and "listen here".
And Carol get's on my nerves like hell.

I guess I just really "got" Tom Poston...



Bob Newhart Show wins easily for me. I love them both but the supporting cast on BNS puts it over the top, Howard, Mr Carlin, Jerry, Suzanne Pleshette.
bns 10/10
Newhart 9/10


Very close, but I chose Newhart. I have dvds and VHS copies of partial seasons for both shows, and Newhart is the one I find myself watching more.



I would suggest, The Bob Newhart Show has an odd 'Seinfeld' feel to it. The series were both center a great 'straight' man with wacky characters keeping his life interesting. (Howard walked into the apartment much like Kramer. Also Emily is sort of 'straight woman' as well.) I don't think Bob Newhart quite reach the greatness of the best Seinfeld but it still was great.

There are few as great as Bob doing a one sided phone call.


In "Newhart" he was no different. He was the anchor. The anchor really is the source of all the laughs because he's the one reacting to the idiots and bringing everything back to reality. Bob was the "George Burns", the "Seinfeld", the "Bud Abbott" of those two sitcoms.

I liked The Bob Newhart Show better. Better actors and better writing. MTM always had the best casting, writers, directors and producers.

The first sitcom also holds up much better. The situations and jokes on The Bob Newhart Show are more evergreen.


I prefer his first sitcom effort, and remember clear as day what the late wife of one of my father's co-workers wrote in a letter to TV Guide, that Larry and his twin brothers named Darryl were a one-shot joke that quickly wore out its welcome, also had said "Gentlemen, Mary Frann is no Suzanne Pleshette."


Well,first of all,I think the OP's preference of "NEwhart"
over "TBNS",is partially (and correct me if I'm wrong) an age thing.

If you weren't around in the 1970s ,it makes it hard to fully appreciate it.

I was very young in the '70s (under age 12 & back) but I did see this show. I could pnly laugh at how silly teh adults sometimes acted but when I got older and sawthe re-runs,I totally got it.

As mentioend here ,Bob Hartly is a nice ,normal stable guy surrounded by people who either have a card missing from their deck or just do things that bely the fact their "so called" adults. (especailly Howard Bordeh.)

In "Newhart" ,he's still surrounded by the same kind of people but i think in the first season, the focus was the old "fish out of water" thing. He & wife move from the big city to a samll town and have to adjust to the quirks of it's citizens and everyday life there.

I was glad they went from video-tape to film. The video-tape look made the show seem kind of dull. Not sure how filming it made it more exciting but it did. The character changes helped a lot too. Loved George Utley, he ws jilarious.

Larry & the boys? Well, I liked them too. They were a comically menacing presence. Just when you think you've got a normal scenegoing on,here they come again to make an already crazy situation even crazier.

I've always held the belief that the finale was a statement about how people duringthe whole run of "Newhart" ,were always comparing it to the old show. Example : "I like "Newhart" and it's funny but the Bob Newhart Show was funnier". or "I miss Emily. I mean Joanna's okay but...."

I think tha's why the whole thing ended up nothing more than an 8 year long dream in the mind of Bob Hartly and he wakes up & returns to Emily and even Chicago! (Guess that move out west didn;t work out huh?)

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 šŸ• *arf,man!*


You may have a point, perhaps the move to Oregon didn't work out. The Bob Newhart Show 19th Anniversary Special aired November 23, 1991 on CBS further ties the two sitcoms together with Larry and his twin brothers as the elevator repairmen.


Thanks. ī€ Sounds like a funny gag with the brothers. ī€¦

I totally missed that special in 1991. ī‚™

I Forgot all about it,as well as the Mary Tyler
Moore 20th one & MASH 20th . (I have the MASH one on DVD.

How I forgot and what I was doing....I couldn't possibly recall.

(Bob or Mary's on DVD?? ī—

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 šŸ• *arf,man!*


The Bob Newhart Show 19th Anniversary Special is included on the bonus disc of The Complete Series DVD box set available from Shout Factory. That company and Fox Home Entertainment ought to be asked why there isn't a DVD of The Mary Tyler Moore Show 20th Anniversary Special out.


I agree. I watchd all of MTM on DVD in 2012 and was surprised that
wasn't a part of it. I'll keep a lookout for the box set of TBNS, thanks. ī€¹

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 šŸ• *arf,man!*


I buy the first four seasons of The Bob Newhart Show on dvd and wait for them to bring out the last two. They eventually bring the last two out as well as the complete series. I buy the last two(since I already had the first four), but they don't have any extras on them. Only the box set does. Thank you Shout Factory for having me waste my money. AGHHH


I think tha's why the whole thing ended up nothing more than an 8 year long dream in the mind of Bob Hartly and he wakes up & returns to Emily and even Chicago! (Guess that move out west didn;t work out huh?)

If you recall, in the first episode of season 6, they moved into a different apartment (I believe just a couple stories up from their old apartment). Different layout with a different bedroom. They must have skipped over that as well.


I have to pick "Newhart". It's just the funnier show to me with Michael, Stephanie, Larry and his brother Darryl and his other brother Darryl. However, I do prefer Suzanne Pleshette as his TV wife to Mary Frann who was fine also. I just like Miss Pleshette more.


My vote goes for TBNS--Newhart had some funny moments, but I thought it also had too many jokes they worked into the ground, Larry, Darryl and Darryl being chief among them. Not that they weren't funny, but it became overused quickly.

And I never cottoned on to Michael and Stephanie--more annoying than witty, and again, too one-note, with the note in their case not even being especially hilarious. The best part of the whole 'Stephanie' character was the occasional guest-star appearances by a very funny Jose Ferrer as her fatuous father.

More standard 'sitcom' in the feeling of the writing too much of the time, and Mary Frann just never cut it for me as Bob's wife. By no means a bad show, but The Bob Newhart Show definitely comes closer to classic comedy status than Newhart ever did.


Well ,I've kjust watched 4 out of 8 seasons
of NEWHART and just got all 6 of THE BOB NEWHART SHOW.

I can honestly say ,before finishing the next 4 of Newhart that the firstone's still the best. I don't hate Newhart ,I actually like it & used to watch it on CbS. (I couldn't watch TBNS in the 70s ,I was too young then.)

The writing on the 70s series is far more clever.

The writing on the 80s series is just different somehow but i can give them credit for being able to make humor out of running an inn and having to put up with even more crazy people than Bob HArtly ever did.

If I put it to a vote :

TBNS : 10 stars (Despite a slightly uneven Season 1. Pilot show is ep. 9?)

Newahrt : 9
(1 off for that Kirk character ,that never really worked.)

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 šŸ• *arf,man!*


yeah bob Newhart show is the better show over all, the supporting cast (howard especially) is superior and more to ply off, Newhart is great as well but the writing is sharper the first time around


Parts and specific episodes of the Bob Newhart show I think were better. Some of the vermont todays segments were great. But the show slid at the end to be a parity of itself. The 1st season was the Newhart show in Vermont with Jerry and the first maid. Once the brothers and Stephanie came the show changed. At first it was good and got tired. The series as a whole Newhart was probably better.


TBNS hands down!!! As another poster put it, if you were there in the 1970's during its original run, you would probably perfer TBNS. Newhart ended up essentially being a remake of Green Acres (big city folk trying to adapt to rural eccentricities). Newhart's first season showed promise and the cafe owner, Kirk, was a lot like the Elliot Carlin character of TBNS; George was more like Howard (albeit with less education) and the original maid was believable in the guise of a rich girl who wanted to work and pay her own way through college. Kirk was made "more human" when he fell in love with Cindy and then struggled to accept the fact that she was a professional clown; in the end, he did accept this and they married and left. Once Larry Darryl and Darryl came, then things started gowing downhill (I liked the guys, just not that same old gag constantly) and Stephanie and Michael really got on my nerves in a way that TBNS characters never did. So I have to go with TBNS as being the better of the two. Bob Newhart later did a show where he was a cartoonist; I recall not liking that show at all. Later, he did a fairly decent Odd Couple knock-off show with Judd Hirsch (George and Leo?) but it didn't last very long.


I would say TBNS is better. Newhart started out strong and the first two seasons were really good. I liked Kirk, but I think that Bob Newhart had something to do with Kirk being written off the show. Kirk was becoming very popular and I don't think Newhart liked how he was being overshadowed by the character. So we come to season 3 with the introduction of Michael. I never really liked the character as much as Kirk and I felt that after a couple seasons the Michael and Stephanie scenes began to really annoy me. There were some good episodes after season 4, but the quality definitely went down. The final season is absolutely horrendous. There were a couple a good episodes, but the rest of the other episodes were unbelievably bad. Even the final episode is just god awful until the last scene whee Bob wakes up next to Emily and finds that everything was all a dream.

The Bob Newhart Show had better writing, but if Newhart had stayed on the path of the first few seasons the show might have beaten The Bob Newhart Show.
