

1) Yes, Sluggy was probably offering big bucks if they turned over an ELGr to him.

2) Well, if we want to pick nits, Charlie pretty much did the same thing every other kid did (Charlie disobeyed WW and stole a drink), which is one of the reasons Roald didn't care for this version. But if we ignore that little screw-up (!), and if we assume the tickets were a random lottery, then Willie would have had to abandon the plan to turn over the factory to any of the kids unless he just said F it and gave it to the least of the offenders. Alternatively, he also could hold another contest every so often or find a totally different way to find an heir to take over the factory.


4) She didn't spit it out on Willie's command because she was spoiled rotten. She didn't swallow the gum, but I guess if she spit it out before the gum got to the blueberry desert stage, she would have been fine.


1 Slugworth was telling them "If Wonka tells you to spit out any gum, do not listen to him.:

2 The Oompa Loompas would hold a UFC style cage tournament. Winner inherits the factory.

3. That's not a question.

4 Violet doesn't listen to Wonka because Slugworth told them to.


3.) Yeah I realize that, I meant I always wondered how the other bad kids would turn out in the end of the 1971 film. Even though it does explain it in the book.


What if all the tickets were found by adults?

Maybe the Johnny Depp was closer to the story but not at the end where he says he doesn't want his family there and goes off to find Christopher Walken (hope I spelled it right).

That was ridiculous.


What if all the tickets were found by adults?

No chance. It was fixed so only kids could get them.


Veruca's father (well, his worker) found the ticket and handed it over to his child. I would assume that any parent who found a ticket would give it to his/her child or sell the ticket to another parent.


All the kids were hand picked if you ask me. A fucking fix!


That opens up the possibility of some creepy stalking by Willie and/or his minions...


Well it is a horror movie!


How do you force Charlie to find a coin in a drain?


I certainly don't subscribe to the theory of a "fix" (and I think wears might be pulling our chains a bit), but one could argue that the candy seller was in on the fix and would find a way for Charlie to get the bar with the ticket in it even if he didn't find the money in the street. Of course, the candy seller first gave Charlie a ticket-free bar so he took a chance that Charlie would buy another bar after scarfing down the first bar.


The same way Wonka does everything...manipulation.


Maybe the Johnny Depp was closer to the story but not at the end where he says he doesn't want his family there and goes off to find Christopher Walken (hope I spelled it right).

You definitely misspelled Lee ;)


1.) Based on what he told Charlie, "Slugworth" was promising each kid the things they most desired. In fact, Charlie's proposed bribe was the easiest, considering he came from a very poor family. And keep in mind this was not the real Slugworth, he was an actor paid by Wonka to impersonate Slugworth and to test the kids' morality and integrity.

2.) Nobody. Wonka would have to disqualify all of them and try again. He's just lucky Charlie redeemed himself at the end.

3.) Actually, Wonka told Charlie in this film that the other kids would be restored to their original selves, but perhaps be a little bit wiser after their experiences. Because of that, there was no need to show the results because it wouldn't add anything to the film.

4.) Violet was a spoiled, arrogant little brat and thought she knew more than most adults, including her own parents. She heard the word "gum" and wanted it, not caring about any silly warnings anyone gave her. I think she would have been okay if she'd spat the gum out before reaching the dessert part of the "meal" in the gum. I noticed she wasn't chewing anymore after she blew up, so it's very possible she swallowed it.


1) Just like it was with Charlie. Get the Gobbstopper for me and give you whatever you want.

2) Biggest misconception people have about this movie. Wonka didn't care that much if the kids acted bad. He just needed to know that he could trust them with his secrets. Even if Charlie hadn't drunk the fuzzy liftie drink, Wonka would not have chosen him if he hadn't given back the Gobstopper.

3) Wonka tells us. They were all fine and back to their miserable selves, but maybe a little wiser.

4) Because she was obsessed with gum and an idiot. She probably would have been ok if she had spit it out before the blue berry. No, she didn't swallow it.
