Nude scenes...

It seems that there is a lot of commentary in the review section about the nudity in this film. I thought it would be better to bring that discussion out to the message boards so that an ongoing conversation could actually take place.

The bottom line for me is that Jenny Agutter, on her DVD commentary track, doesn't seem to be bothered by them. She does express that when she saw the final cut she was a little surprised about the length of the scenes, and she warned her parents about it. Overall, though, she seems to be in full agreement that the scenes were necessary and never once suggests that she objects to the scenes.

If she doesn't care, then I'm not sure why I should care or be bothered by them?


Beware! Beware of the big green dragon that sits on your doorstep. He eats little boys...


all i know is that i love them titties!!

"Me and Jenny (Agutter) was like peas and carrots again" -Forrest Gump


I'm with protolexis, hell yeah!


I find the argument on here perverse! Jenny has a beautiful body and the question we have to ask, and ironically one that the film asks is why do we compel a beautiful woman through laws and social conditioning to cover up her body? What is the fundamental difference between the tip of a nose and a nipple? What is the fundamental difference between a mouth and vagina? Your lips and a labia? A tongue and a clitoris? Why is showing some of these these things offensive but not others? Why is it not wrong to admire a teenage girls' legs, but not her breast? Roeg's film does not exploit a teenage girl, but rather a certain reaction to a teenage girl that has no foundations in coherent and logical reason.



Teenage nudity and paedophilia don't match, though. A paedophile likes prepubescent children. That pretty much excludes teenagers who are going through or are past puberty.

Btw, when did Polanski call kiddie porn "art"? It should've made headlines around the world like it did with true paedophiles like Pete Townshend and Gary Glitter.

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!


Townshend got off, didn't he? (Got off the charges, not got off on child porn!)


Both... literally. He likes child porn so much he was willing to come back and subscribe to the site for more.

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!



I've watched the movie several times over the years and have always enjoyed watching it. I'm actually saving up some cash to buy it on dvd fairly soon.

As for the nude scenes that were shown in the movie. I found it quite nice and it doesn't bother me.

It was great to see the three main cast enjoying a nice swim in the nude.

It should happen all the time!

There's nothing wrong with having a go at it.

There should be more young people their age enjoying the lifestyle!

Bye From Clint..

Strongly supporting the naturism lifestyle 100%


The end scene where she, her brother and the aboriginal boy were skinny diping was her imagination. She never skinny dipped with them because she was modest if you remember? That end nude scene was done because she was remembering a parasise lost and being at one with nature, a sort of Garden of Eden. That end nude scene influenced the end of the film Sirens.




You know what the Yanks are like. All teenage girls with nice bodies like showing them off, and if they enjoy it why should we have a problem with people looking? Everyone's happy apart from the child psychologist hammering out a phd thesis somewhere about the emotional scars she sustained from filming it.




Cant see all the fuss, who dosent see a naked lady as some point in there life. She had guts to film the scenes and did a good job and they even filmed her pubic hair area.


nude scenes so what.i think they were part of the wasn't pornagraphic.if nudity is pornagraphic the the whole human race must be perverts.nudity is a part of life

she sneezes once,she sneezes twice,she'll be my bride when she sneezes thrice. leprachaun 2


Incredible posts here! I live in Belgium, I just borrowed the dvd from a local film library yesterday, I enjoyed it very much, and was also looking for additional information on it, but how surprising to see that such innocent and brief nude scenes can cause so much commotion!!!

But what the hell can be wrong with nudity or even sexuality?!? To see the caracters going nude did not surprised me any more than seeing the animals nude or the uncovered flowers and trees!!!

What I found shocking or bizarre was the suicide scenes, that of the the father and the aborigene and the fact that the girl don't try to communicate with the boy or to learn a few words of his language. Most disturbing of all whas her coldness to him, the total absence of emotion from her part.

This is really shocking, but not the nudity, I even wonder why they didn't get rid of all their clothes more rapidly into the heath of the Australian outback! I things that the really perversion of our 'civilized' societies nowadays is to be shocked at the sight of naked people, rather than by the sight of people covered with clothes made by small underpayed children in Taiwan.


Incredible posts here! I live in Belgium, I just borrowed the dvd from a local film library yesterday, I enjoyed it very much, and was also looking for additional information on it, but how surprising to see that such innocent and brief nude scenes can cause so much commotion!!!

But what the hell can be wrong with nudity or even sexuality?!? To see the caracters going nude did not surprised me any more than seeing the animals nude or the uncovered flowers and trees!!!

What I found shocking or bizarre was the suicide scenes, that of the the father and the aborigene and the fact that the girl don't try to communicate with the boy or to learn a few words of his language. Most disturbing of all whas her coldness to him, the total absence of emotion from her part.

This is really shocking, but not the nudity, I even wonder why they didn't get rid of all their clothes more rapidly into the heath of the Australian outback! I things that the really perversion of our 'civilized' societies nowadays is to be shocked at the sight of naked people, rather than by the sight of people covered with clothes made by small underpayed children in Taiwan.


Exactly.The nudity passed me by raeally Used to live in africa and semi nudity was a part of life,Suicide scenes especaially thr aboroigine one were most disturbing parts

Head up young person-"object of my affection"
Good Night Carrie wherever you are


Casio, right on! No one mentions the old man naked, the older women, the young children because they're not sexually titillating. When a body is out of "shape" (which of course means does not conform to WESTERN standards), it is suddenly invisible.

"why do we compel a beautiful woman through laws and social conditioning to cover up her body?"

Because we don't need people to be sexually aroused all day long. Especially MEN who are the visually stimulated ones.

"What is the fundamental difference between the tip of a nose and a nipple?"

You're kidding, right? Do you find the tip of a nose erotic? How about oh I dunno -- a nipple? A nipple has a reproductive *function*, the nose does not.

"What is the fundamental difference between a mouth and vagina?"
We nourish ourselves with our mouth, we reproduce via vagina. Didn't your parents ever tell you were babies come from?

"Your lips and a labia?"

One is protective covering for our teeth and gums, give us more ability to speak and form words (communicate), we can use our lips to test temperature, etc. Tactile. Labia protect the vestibule of the vagina. Also, people don't have pubic hair on their lips, but post pubescent labia majora do.

"A tongue and a clitoris?"
Now if you don't know the fundamental difference between a tongue and a clitoris, you are just plain ignorant of female anatomy. It's pretty insulting even to think that you'd compare the two. The clitoris, according to scientists, serves no other purpose than for female pleasure. A tongue is not as sensitive as a clitoris, a tongue can be used in speech, a tongue has tastebuds on it and aids in eating and digestion -- these parts are not even in the same SYSTEM. ONe is digestive and one is reproductive.

"Why is showing some of these these things offensive but not others?"

OK look up a few posts. See those two people who posted "Me likes the titties" etc.? THAT'S WHY! Because we have idiots like them who will go around ogling women's breasts, etc. and who sexualize everything and who will be sexually aroused by seeing it. It's offensive because sexual parts have the power to distract and to reduce an average, halfway intelligent man into a guy who says stuff like, "Me likes them titties!" Talk about Neanderthal. If maybe MEN could control themselves, we wouldn't have this problem. But they can't.

"Why is it not wrong to admire a teenage girls' legs, but not her breast?"

The question has NEVER been that it is wrong to admire breasts. The question IS, should bare breasts be shown. It isn't the body itself that people object to (unless it isn't conforming to western standards of beauty of course because then even the most staunch of liberals will balk), it is what reactions come from it. May I recall "tittie" man above? Nudity causes people to become aroused, it is distracting. It is like dangling a carrot in front of a hungry horse. And the desire for sex is a hunger that is never truly satisfied. That's why every instance of nudity can become destructive. It doesn't mean the body is to blame, or that it isn't beautiful, but it is what goes on in people's minds that leads to action and that is the problem people are worried about.

I don't enjoy hearing men talk about women's bodies piecemeal like those two bounders did above, and I'd definitely be against nudity because of reactions like that. But if we had mature people who could see the body as art and not just as a sexual tool -- that's different.

But you know what? People who say the body is art -- they most likely don't think that a middle aged man's body is anywhere near as "artful" as a teen female's body. THAT comes from arousal, pure and simple. It's just plain bias, really.

I resent the whole body as art argument because you can't make that argument unless you're willing to see ALL types of bodies nude -- not just the young or attractive ones.

Don't threaten ME with a dead fish!


"Because we don't need people to be sexually aroused all day long. Especially MEN who are the visually stimulated ones...
Nudity causes people to become aroused, it is distracting. It is like dangling a carrot in front of a hungry horse. And the desire for sex is a hunger that is never truly satisfied. That's why every instance of nudity can become destructive."

Okay, i understand that many people these days don't get instruction in logic and reasoning, so bear with me while i try to untangle this one.
1. In times past, all humans were naked together all the time, with the exception of those living in extremely cold regions (and even they went naked whenever possible - the Indians of Tierra del Fuego, who live in a climate so
harsh that Darwin observed snow melting on the naked breasts of women, were extremely resistant to adopting clothing. They preferred dermal contact with the environment, hostile though it was, to the loss of sensation implied by wearing clothes).
2. There are still many groups in the world today who live in everyday nudity or near-nudity.
3. These groups have no concept of pornography and are not pre-occupied with sex the way clothed people are.
4. Because they are naked all the time, nudity has no sexual connotations for them.
5. It is clothing that produces sex-obsession and makes nudity sexual.
6. Without clothing, there would be no "nudity" - it would just be the way we all are.
7. It is therefore the practice of covering up the body that creates unhealthy and stunted expressions of sexuality as reflected in male pre-occupation with female body parts and functions such as you mention in your post.

It is very difficult for a man (or woman) raised in a clothed culture to imagine any other way of relating to nudity other than as sexual, and no one wants to hear that their sexual responses and thought-processes are warped and stunted at an extremely retarded stage of development due to their cultural milieu, but it is nevertheless true for the vast majority of Western, industrialized people. If you could break out of your social conditioning and experience the alternative for yourself, it would change your life forever.

And to movie man... you keep using the word "moral" in your posts. I seriously question whether you understand the meaning of the word. Morality among unclothed populations is of a far higher caliber than that prevalent among the clothed. Nudity is a state of being, just as we are born. Morality is a behavior. One cannot be immoral simply by being naked or viewing the nakedness of another.


A "lot of commentary" about a 1971 is quite an understatement. And I'm going to add my pennyworth....... I thought all the nude scenes, not just Agutter's, fitted perfectly in this film and, personally, I didn't find them "erotic", "sexual", or any of the many other abjectives used in the various comments on those scenes. What did surprise (delight?) me were the "underwear scenes" at the lake & on the tree. I can do my maths too (Jenny born 52, film released 71, those scenes were shot when, etc...) but there must be SOME point in showing a young lady's panties. I wonder what it is?


Agreed bergspyder. The scenes were never ment to have a sexual context.


Exactly, Gabriel-Cancello & Bergspyder.

These were children in the outback, trying to survive. The novel by James Vance Marshall explains why all of the children are nude, and for the preteen boy throughout the second half of the novel.

Anyone who thinks pervertedly about nudity in a situation such as this is really a sick individual.

Perversion begins in a perverted mind.

["It’s never too late to do the right thing."]



good points there polexia. Although I disagree partially. Part of the reason why a naked woman excites us is the same as why we find her body "beautiful". I don't know why this is, but I think if you ask any male, seeing a naked female is stimulating. It's not our faults. I can only presume that it ceases to be so on its own when one has seen too many naked women and gets bored. As I'm only 17, seeing a naked woman, even in a non-sexual position, is still stimulating. A great example is La Belle Noiseuse, which is an excellent film by the way. There is no sex whatsoever in the film, but Emmanuelle Beart spends much of the film naked, posing for an artist. I found this more of a turn-on than a film such as Sex and Zen, which contained many graphic sex scenes. So, why is it that I find a nude woman so exciting? The brain makes us want to have sex because it wants to encourage us to reproduce, but a woman being naked has little to do with sex whatsoever. Perhaps it is because the only time we see a woman nude (apart from movies) is while having sex, in the majority cases. But I think it boils down to the fact that beauty is something that we percieve for some reason or other, whether this proves a divine creator I don't know. The fact is, the naked female body is a beautiful thing. And I don't think anybody can deny it. I think a lot of nudity in films is used exploitatively, a good example is one of Roeg's other films, The Man who fell to Earth. I found the nudity gratuitous in that. If one is to judge whether or not the nudity in Walkabout is nessecary or not, they'd have to see it and judge for themselves. You would have to err on the side of realism, and admit that the director realised the added appeal of having nudity in it, but that is not to say it does not have redeeming features.


hey mr. movie guy, I think you chose the wrong handle for someone as unobjective and mentally underwhelming as yourself. b.t.w. your posts are childish and stupidly - agressive. Don't come to Spain, the movies have sex and nudity and since you have some confusion about the two, better stick with the Hollywood stuff, where folks come out of the shower-or get out of bed (after implied sex)-with their clothes on.....uh yeah right. name suggestion: Mr. Disney guy

one thing about nudity-it's one thing we all have in common.

more human than human...



I just came across this thread ('06) and all Mr. Movie Guys posts have been deleted by an administrator! sheeesh, what a rip-off!

I live in the US and we watched this movie back in the 70's in one of my High School classes (fifteen or sixteen years old) and none of the guys in the class started drooling or touching themselves. The scene fits perfectly into the storyline and everyone in that class took it as such.

Of course it did cause the fifteen year old version of me to fall madly in love with Ms. Agutter, her's being the first naked female form I'd seen up until that time (and a fine one it was too). Of course, later that year I saw "Straw Dogs" in the theatre and also fell in love with Susan George.

Note; Jenny Agutter could act circles around Susan George.


-----Of course it did cause the fifteen year old version of me to fall madly in love with Ms. Agutter-----

I first caught this movie 3 years ago as one of those arty films that BBC1 sometime show around midnight when they ain't go any sport, drama, or live event to fill the schedule. Didn't have any real expectations of it as I only put it on because it was by the same guy who made "the Man Who Fell to Earth".

I have to addmit that I myself, then aged 28, immediatly fell madly in love with one Ms. Agutter (even before the nude scemes). It's a lovely film, definatly my fave Nic Roeg, and definatly in my top 100.

Incidently last time this movie appeared in the UK TV schedules was a couple of months ago on "men, motors and wanking tackle" channel ITV4. Can't imagain why they would buy up the rights. Yuck! Doesn't bare thinking about does it...

"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan!"


Did you notice how the camera was sort of 'voyeuristic'. I don't know if it was just me but it seemed to linger on shots of the girl's legs and thighs, especially when she was climbing up. It made me feel like those guys who kept looking at the scientist lady everytime she crossed her legs. I wonder if it was intended like that. Probably, cos the framing of the scenes is no mistake, it's all very deliberate. It's the very nature of film-making.


God, yes, but since I can't take my eyes off Jenny's legs in this film it is no wonder the director couldn't take the camera off them.


here here! she is so hot in the movie.



Maybe they could re-do it without the pubes.


What, so that it looks like a 1970's sixteen year-old from down under shaves down under? Not sure that helps de-sexualise it...
