So, let me get this straight...
1. A top of the line biologist doesn't know that plants need sunlight to survive?? That's elementary school stuff, literally 7yos know that!
2. He kills several of his colleagues and himself so that he can prolong the life on a forest for... several more years? They was no chance he could replant the Earth or any other planet, the space craft was doomed to fail anyhow.
3. He puts the fate of the last remaining forest into the hands of some of the most incompetent robots in existence? It is explicitly shown that they can't do squat, can't plant the tree, can't follow orders, can't even get out of the way of danger. Why didn't he stay on the forest platform??
All this and the films snail pace and lack of, well, anything interesting, make it a very very bad movie. If there were't for some interesting visuals and music it would be total garbage. 3/10