Made me laugh!

Maybe I'm just too long in the tooth but this film made me laugh. Not at first, I admit. Before the laughs came a mounting sense of confusion. Who are all these people? Why are they all intent on killing each other? What the F is going on?

As the film entered the final reel the question became: is anyone actually going to survive this movie?!

I'm not trying to rile anyone or deny Bay of Blood its reputation or place in slasher film history. Nor do I think humour (even as black as this) has no home in horror. But it surprised me just how lunatic this film turned out to be for reasons unexpected. The last scene (you know what I'm talking about) was the clincher - this isn't a horror film, this is a black comedy masquerading as a horror film. Which is fine by me.

Show, don't tell


I totally agree it felt like a boardroom farce where he wanted to kill her she wanted to kill him etc etc


So glad to see someone else thought this (wherever you are!). As I was watching I kept thinking this is like a 'farce with gore'! 😂


There's definitely some black humor.


*dark humor

remember this is 2022 & you can't even talk scientifically about a bl*ck hole without pissing people off


Good point


Humor of color?
