MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > The Cat Stevens soundtrack was wonderful

The Cat Stevens soundtrack was wonderful

I'm amazed that more films don't have a soundtrack from a single artist.
The Graduate leaps to mind, but I can't really remember any others.
Seems like a wonderful way to mesh the artistry of music with the artistry of film.


I've tried to imagine this movie with other songs, like maybe if they kept Trouble in (because come on, can't lose that one) but threw in some other random folky late 60s/early 70s songs or - gasp - went in a completely different direction musically but I can't.

Apparently, Hal Ashby was listening to Mona Bone Jakon and Tea for the Tillerman on repeat while he looked through the dailies and felt the music fit the mood perfectly. When first contacted, Cat Stevens was skeptical about having his songs featured in a movie but liked the film's humor and how Ashby used the songs. I think Cat said the first thing he saw was the footage with Miles from Nowhere being used at the funeral and loved how it fit the scene without being overly literal. Ashby basically decided that for any scene without dialogue, they'd just throw on a random Cat Stevens song. Kind of amazing how well that worked out, I don't think there's a song that seems misused to me.

Here's a video of Cat Stevens talking about it, gets relevant 3 minutes in:


I disliked the soundtrack in most spots. Guess I'm not a fan of Cat Stevens hectic-sounding voice. I read somewhere they considered having Paul Simon songs and I would've preferred him greatly.


I watched this film for the first time last night. I recognized Cat Steven's voice and I was surprised that I loved all the songs.

The truth of life has been revealed.



I found the soundtrack distracting. It made the film difficult to watch for me. It was too loud and overbearing and too often.


Maybe my fave soundtrack of all time.


IMPO - I only wished Cat Steven's song " Oh Very Young "
had been on this soundtrack too  .

---- ----

Unfortunately that particular song wasn't
out until 1974  .

Thanks tomboston191 for your subject post  .


McCabe and Mrs. Miller, soundtrack by Leonard Cohen.
