
At the veray end, Juan goes to get medical help for John, then he turns psychic and realizes what John is gong to do. And djust before John explodes himsel, Juan turns back toward him and yells "JONAH!" Why? Was this anothar bit of Steiger's ridiclidous Mexican accent? Or maybe "Jonah" is some sord of Biblical reference? This hae always puzzled me. Still one of my favorite Sphaghetti Westerns though.


I just saw the recent BLURAY version of the complete 160 minute version of DUCK YOU SUCKER with English subtitles and in that final scene, it is so obvious that Juan Miranda is shouting JOHNNY!!! when the train explodes with John Mallory resting on it. The English subtitles on that scene confirms this when it says "JOHNNY!!!" on the subtitles when that scene occurs. You must have misinterpreted his saying of that name when Rod Steiger says it with his outrageous Mexican accent.


There are several different versions that I've come across, one where he shouts but there is no audible sound (other than the music), one where he shouts Jonah (or I heard it as Sean-ah) and another where he shouts 'Johnny'.


the version where he shouts johnny is rather awkward because the pronounciation stresses that 'ee' vowel a lot while rod steiger in that scene opens his mouth widely
