MovieChat Forums > Dirty Harry (1971) Discussion > how does it still have such a high ratin...

how does it still have such a high rating? it aged horribly

i know that "dirty harry" and eastwood's portrayal of him had a huge influence on pop culture, but there are just soooo many outdated elements in this movie, it's unjustified to rate it anything over 6/10.

the authorities (including callahan) are morons in this movie: how would zodiac get away from the roof top after he has been spotted by a police helicopter? why do callahan and his partner start a shoot-out with zodiac on another rooftop and how do they not call for back-up, but let him get away? the whole chase to the stone cross thing is utter crap. why would harry and his partner do that on their own? why would harry torture the killer on sight? what police man in his right mind does that and isn't let go immediately afterwards? on the other hand, which police president says stuff like "it's a shame that any police officer should know how to handle [a knife]"?! what? why wouldn't the police know how to handle a weapon, especially one as simple and common as a knife? and finally, what idiot mayor gives a killer "his word" not to bother him and stands by it???

the police are clairvoyants: from how they figure out from which rooftop zodiac will strike next to how callahan magically appears in front of the bus in the end. also: how convenient that te doctor who took care of zodiac's leg could identify him - as a guy who happens to hang out next door!

so many random scenes that are unnecessary: callahan talking down the jumper. the bank robbery. the liquor store. the peeping tom scene. (what was callahan actually doing there?)

and which law would actually let zodiac go? even if they couldn't use the rifle or pin the murder of the girl on him, he almost killed two police officers. why in the world would he be back on the street so quickly?

finally, andrew robinson's performance is kinda fun, but lord, it must be one of the worst cases of over-acting, i've ever seen.

wow, having written down all of that, i actually think the movie is much worse than 6/10.

go on, tell me how wrong i am.

"We learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school"


Who's "Zodiac"?

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.


A real-life serial killer that terrorized the SF area in the 60s-70s. He was never identified or caught.


Ferris209 gave you a point by point breakdown of your argument (which you didn't address). These scenes are not as ridiculous as you are making them out to be. There was very little implausibility in Dirty Harry compared to what you are saying.


WHAT? This film was and is 9/10 to anyone with taste.


This film is a classic.


1, Even when they find someone via helicopter, that doesn't guarantee their capture, even in real life police don't catch everyone.

2, Refer to first point.

3, Why would they do that on their own, because that's what they were ordered to do, the mayor decided to give in and pay Scorpio.

4, Because a girls life was at stake and Scorpio clearly wasn't willing to talk unless he was forced.

5, It's not just a knife, it's an Italian stiletto switchblade, you know the one where you push the button and the blade flicks out, it's most commonly associated with criminals, so he's disgusted at the fact that Harry knows how to use a weapon most used by the "enemy"

6, Scorpio had a bus full of kids and was threatening to kill them if he didn't get his money and a safe way out, the mayor was simply giving him his word that Scorpio would be untouched in order to not give him any reasons to start killing kids.

7, Scorpio says he'd kill a Catholic priest, so they go to a Catholic church.

Harry "magically" appears in front of the bus because they know where they're going so he simply drives ahead of them and gets on a bridge he knows they'll pass.

Exactly, he's a doctor, naturally people will want to go to the closest doctor available, so yes the doctor would be able to identify someone who lives very close to the office.

8, How are scenes that set up Harry's and Scorpio's characters unnecessary? It's character development, without those scenes, Harry would be just another detective with a big gun and Scorpio would be just another nut case who threatens to kill unless paid not to.

As for what he's doing, he's passing time while waiting for Scorpio to show up.

Unless by peeping Tom scene you mean the one where him and Gonzales were following the tan suitcase and it turns out that it's just full of lingerie, they're told to look out for a tan suitcase so they had to find out what was in it even if it meant being a peeping Tom in the process.

8, Because the evidence was inadmissible in court due to the conditions that it was obtained, Harry conducted an illegal search of Scorpio's hideout, interrogated him without legal counsel present and tortured a confession out of him, according to the law they had to let him go due to having virtually no evidence against him even though they all knew he was in fact guilty, the only really unrealistic thing they did was let him go without putting him under watch.

9, His backstory is that he was a Vietnam vet who saw horrible things in the war, came back and saw how soldiers were treated and went insane, insane people tend to act...well not so right in the head so the overacting is well placed.

You clearly missed the entire point of the film completely, it's about the frustrations that are caused from the legal system caring more for the rights of criminals than they do for the rights of the victims and how a cop (Harry) who holds the victims rights in a higher regard than the criminals rights, tries to do his job the way he feels it should be done while dealing with those frustrations. And in that sense, the film still holds up just as well as it did when it first came out.


OP Your opinion wont chaneg the FACT that this is regarded by the majority as a great classic film and will maintain its rating through time ...(or maybe increase)


It wasn't meant to change anything. I had watched the movie for the first time 40 years after it had been released, and couldn't understand its popularity. So I wanted to see if anyone else sees the same faults in it as I do. And believe it or not: some people do!

We learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school


I'd give Dirty Harry 9/10.

I love the music, the use of locations and the overall atmosphere of the film. It's also one of my favourite Clint Eastwood performances and Andrew Robinson is brilliant as Scorpio.


this movie is wonderful, still good in today standard, top 3 crime thriller of all time


First off why would Harry admit to breaking and entering in his original police report knowing fully well that he didn't have a warrant then, especially an experienced cop like him. He caught Scorpio in the open stadium trying to make a run for it and shot him in the leg to prevent that. There is no other evidence or witness other than his partner and it's quite likely he would backup Harry's story rather than the obvious psychopath. And about torturing Scorpio to get information about the girl, he didn't have to admit that either, who would they believe, the police officer or the serial killer with loads of evidence against him like the gun used in previous killings including one dead cop and one injured, the knife wound inflicted by Harry, no alibi, possible witnesses..
