Just... too disturbing

I don't really care if it is a great piece of art, or if the underlying meanings are very good... I felt uncomfortable the whole time i was watching it, and i don't think i learned anything worth all the shock that came along.


Oh, that's right. We are not allowed to state opinions about the opinions of someone else. Oh, great dictator, please tell us. What are we allowed to state opinions on?

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.



It's funny how the "morally superior" people can often be more sh!tty toward others than the amoral or immoral people. Look at how we keep redefining what it means to be morally superior. Now, we hate the practices of other cultures. Once upon a time, we actually tried to respect the values and beliefs of other people. Now, only one way - the progressive, left, liberal, feminist way is THE ONLY RIGHT WAY. Just when those people who thought they could trust the people of Western culture to respect them and their differences, a new breed of morally superior a$$holes steps in and tries to make them see how twisted they are.

Yes, there are parts of this movie that are disturbing. BUT criminals are human beings too. You morally superior people would be totally cool with what the corrupt politician was trying to do to criminals like Alex, torturing and brainwashing them into submission. We don't want anything to disturb your flat, safe, boring, generic, peaceful little existence. I don't understand why you people aren't trying to have criminals executed on the spot, regardless of the seriousness of their crimes.

Like I said, it's the morally superior people that can get really disturbing, especially when they're holding all the cards.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


Whaaaat?? I think what they did to alex was also disturbing. I feel like you just want to criticize because your comment was somehow out of context, talking about feminism and corruption here? Man, you're in the wrong comment section. And for someone who is so upset about 'morally superior' people, you sound like you also feel superior to us. And how contradicting that you talk about problems like racism and corruption and then are upset about people who are 'too moral'. Maybe we should all stop worrying about morality at all and go back to slavery and torturing people to death? You're either a kid or just too spoiled to realize how lucky you are that some people in this world care enough to make good, MORAL, things happen. Either grow up or make up your mind.


Yeeeyyy let's not judge criminals because they are humans too #yolo


I didn't get it at all. Not even why this guy is so bug nuts insane? He lives at home with Mom and Dad like a normal middle class kind of young kid. But for some reason he leads a gang of hoods, that rape and kill women. Uh okay. Did the film explore why he is so wacked out of his skull? Not that I saw.. The world he lives in, is violent and chaotic. Well his parents seemed like good enough people. And he gets sentenced to 14 years for murdering a woman LOL. Lets strap him to a chair and show him violent images for 2 weeks that will cure him.. Stupid movie IMO. Not too mention he didn't get reformed in the end anyway. Soon as he gets out of the hospital it's back to raping women and killing. Yeah great movie.




Well, if there's anyone out there who enjoys both this film AND any films for all ages, I'd love to meet them and hang out. Doubt anyone like that exists though.

"The storm cannot be stopped, but it can be survived.'"


If by enjoy you mean love, i guess i agree with you. To love a film like this you probably need to have a very particular taste that makes other less "tragic" films look uninteresting. But i am just guessing, because i don't love this film xD


I've got to agree with you, I thought it was very disturbing too and I couldn't watch it till the end. In fact I thought it a bit crazy!


I think this was a fantastic film, AND I also love films that are suitable for all ages.


It's not uncommon to be able to enjoy all sorts of genres of movies, music, etc, with varying levels of intensity and crudeness... I know I do.


I would put both The Exorcist and Pinocchio in my top ten faveourtes lol.

To be honest, the only people I've seen bash people for enjoying family films are morons from IMDB.


That's more a statement about you than the movie, though...
