The weakest part is the ending. I recall an interview with the director in which he said he would like to have made this more spectacular but didn't have the budget for it. As it is, the slow motion technique does fit in with the generally mystical nature of the rest of the film, although you may consider it to be something of an anti-climax.
Yeah, but lot of older movies ('specially 70s) don't have too many spectacular endings. They just kinda end after villain is killed or evil is destroyed or whatever. That's what I love about those older movies. Lot of modern movies simply don't know when they need to end, so they go for about 30 minutes longer then they should. ;)
Anyway, movie did age quite well. It has authentic feel. I re-watched it maybe 2-3 years ago and I still remember most of the scenes, while I don't remember some other new horror movies that I watched last week.
Sure, some effects did age (70s weren't all that crazy about FX in the first place), but overall feeling and authenticity of the movie did not. It's quite memorable and Linda Hayden had good screen presence.