...a movie should be remade is if someone thinks beyond a shadow of a doubt that he/she can improve on the original. Of course, every once in a blue moon that does happen ("The Maltese Falcon," "The Man Who Knew Too Much," "Ocean's Eleven"), but most of the time, even when a movie that left room for improvement is remade, it still fails miserably ("The Big Bounce," "The Out-of-Towners," "When a Stranger Calls," "Yours, Mine and Ours") .
Then there are the remakes that follow the original so closely, you wonder what the point of remaking it was ("Psycho," "Cape Fear," "The Getaway," "The Omen")...and, even worse, the remakes of 'sacred cows' that just end up downright embarrassing and end up almost tarnishing the reputation of the original ("Psycho" again, "Bedazzled," "The Wicker Man," "Planet of the Apes," "The Truth About Charlie"). Ugh. I would definitely automatically put any remake of "The Beguiled" into that last category.