if it was remade

If it was remade who would you cast? These are my suggestions.

McB- Collin Ferrell, Heath Ledger, Orlando Bloom, or Joaquin Pheonix
Miss Martha- Gleen Close
Edwina- Kate Hudson
Amy- Dakotta Fanning

Tell me what you think. Maybe directed by Ridley Scott, Or Clint Eastwood.

"Truth will not disappear because certain facts are ignored." Aldous Huxley


A remake of a classic film is retarded and no remake will ever be better than the performance sof these characters.


Okay, once more with feeling, IF IT WAS REMADE personally I too think that remakes are horrible and I don't actually want this remade, maybe I could rephrase the question... how about like this... IF the original had never been made and the script surfaced today in Hollywood and they decided to make it today, as a brand new movie (keep in mind this is hypothetical and the original doesn't exist in this hypothetical world) who would you like cast? There is that better?

"Truth will not disappear because certain facts are ignored." Aldous Huxley



I disagree with Kathy Bates playing Martha. I think you got the idea from Misery, but that was OTT psychotic. This role needs someone who can convey the sinister and subtle, embodied to perfection by the late great Geraldine Page. For me hers was the definitive performance and I can't see it being topped. Sorry. But if you really insist, you could always try her daughter, Angelica Torn, who played the disturbed mother in The Sixth Sense. For me Bates just doesn't fit the bill at all, competent actress though she is.

As for vampy Carol, try Ellen Page of Hard Candy (but without the boyish crop).

But why a remake anyway? There would be about as much point to that as to the misconceived Wicker Man remake. The original was quite deservedly a cult hit, but some films simply can't be bettered, so don't even try, is my advice.


"But why a remake anyway? There would be about as much point to that as to the misconceived Wicker Man remake. The original was quite deservedly a cult hit, but some films simply can't be bettered, so don't even try, is my advice."

did you read my posts? Here I'll repeat it for you.

"Okay, once more with feeling, IF IT WAS REMADE personally I too think that remakes are horrible and I don't actually want this remade, maybe I could rephrase the question... how about like this... IF the original had never been made and the script surfaced today in Hollywood and they decided to make it today, as a brand new movie (keep in mind this is hypothetical and the original doesn't exist in this hypothetical world) who would you like cast? There is that better?"


No, I didn't read *all* your posts (sorry if this offends your implied narcissism). I read your first one which was very ambiguously worded, as is the thread title. Here, I'll reproduce it *just* for you:

If it was remade who would you cast? These are my suggestions....

If you don't want to be misunderstood please learn to use English less misleadingly. Just my little tip of the day to someone who clearly needs one.

And who is 'Gleen' Close, btw...?


Agreed. Some things can be remade, and bettered - like the Bodysnatchers (1981 verison the best imo), War of the Worlds (excellent plotting, charcaterization and acting). Some things can NEVER be remade, such as Wicker Man and this - too much products of their time and culture. Some things 'can' be remade, but with a more profound director than Peter Jackson (hint hint) or Tim Burton (hint hint).


If it was made today:
Guy Pearce as Mcburney
Jeanne Tripplehorn or Marcia Gay Harden as Martha
Heather Graham as Edwina
Not sure about Carol,s role.


Unfortunately folks, the only thing to come out of hollywood these days are remakes, sequels, or movies based on books. (Notice how the original screenplay nominations are getting pretty slim?) Until audiences prove to the corporations that they don't need stories already told, to go see a movie, that's all we're gonna get.

You want originality? HBO, Showtime, even the networks are getting good. It's heartbreaking, but for the first time in history, TV way outshines the movies.


No remake necessary as it is one quirky and thoughtful film. Of course, Hollywood would probably do it again with a bunch of no talent actors. How can you top Geraldine Page, Clint and the beautiful and tragic Elizabeth Hartman? I am a big Elizabeth Hartman fan and it was great watching her. She was beautiful and ethereal in the movie and the real only sympathetic character in the whole film. Leave it alone.


No remake necessary as it is one quirky and thoughtful film. Of course, Hollywood would probably do it again with a bunch of no talent actors. How can you top Geraldine Page, Clint and the beautiful and tragic Elizabeth Hartman? I am a big Elizabeth Hartman fan and it was great watching her. She was beautiful and ethereal in the movie and the real only sympathetic character in the whole film. Leave it alone.

Couldn't agree more. Hollowood, keep yer dirty mitts off... this one's a real gem that can't be bettered, so don't even try.


I agree with everyone who said it shouldn't be remade. It is perfect the way it is, imo.

That being said, if they did decide to go for it, I have to admit that I'd be a little curious.

Martha - Laura Linney (If not Linney then maybe Kristin Scott Thomas or Julianne Moore.) I think they are all the right age. Not too old and young enough to be convincing in the flashback scenes if they were to include them.

Edwina - Molly Parker, Rosamund Pike, or possibly Winona Ryder. (This is definitely the toughest bit of casting to me that's why those names are all across the board.)

Carol - Natalie Portman or Kirsten Dunst. (I think it might be better to give this to a beauty with a slightly more understated sexuality than say, Scarlett Johansson or Lindsay Lohan.)

Amy - Abigail Breslin (Predictable, I know but it's tough to come up with child actors. An unknown would probably be best.)

McB - Brad Pitt (Don't hate me. I honestly think he could pull it off. When in the right role he can act and I think the role needs to be played by someone who is very good looking so that's it's easy for the audience to buy the character being able to charm all of those women.)

The other girls could maybe be Jena Malone, Amanda Seyfried, Evan Rachel Wood, Daveigh Chase, and/or A.J. Cook. I can see Amanda Seyfried being the stuck up one who never finds herself attracted to McB.


When a film is made well, why remake it? I am not one to say that no actress today can handle this or that role but Elizabeth Hartman blew me away in this film. Her character goes through an emotional and mental metamorphises, and Elizabeth did not hit one false note in the role.

Plus, let me state the obvious there is only one Clint Eastwood.

The way I see it, is that we weren't retreating, we were just attacking in a new direction.


...a movie should be remade is if someone thinks beyond a shadow of a doubt that he/she can improve on the original. Of course, every once in a blue moon that does happen ("The Maltese Falcon," "The Man Who Knew Too Much," "Ocean's Eleven"), but most of the time, even when a movie that left room for improvement is remade, it still fails miserably ("The Big Bounce," "The Out-of-Towners," "When a Stranger Calls," "Yours, Mine and Ours") .

Then there are the remakes that follow the original so closely, you wonder what the point of remaking it was ("Psycho," "Cape Fear," "The Getaway," "The Omen")...and, even worse, the remakes of 'sacred cows' that just end up downright embarrassing and end up almost tarnishing the reputation of the original ("Psycho" again, "Bedazzled," "The Wicker Man," "Planet of the Apes," "The Truth About Charlie"). Ugh. I would definitely automatically put any remake of "The Beguiled" into that last category.


patchofblue65 wrote: "Elizabeth Hartman ... was beautiful and ethereal in the movie and the real only sympathetic character in the whole film."

Not quite true. Mae Mercer's Hallie was also extremely sympathetic. She's smart enough to never be seriously tempted by McB. Even when she's in on the mushroom plot at the end, you get the feeling she just wants to prevent him from hurting everyone in the house, rather than pursuing a personal vendetta because he slept with/wanted to sleep with/didn't sleep with her, or killed her turtle.


Hugh Jackman would be perfect in this role. The ladies love him and hell he even looks like Clint Eastwood lol.


Yeah re. Mae Mercer's character. She was not as vindictive as the other girls. Good point.


I'm not sure I would want this movie to be remade.

I just have a feeling that 21st century-style moviemaking would yield an inferior result.



Jared Padalecki's mine and nobody else's


I think some people on the IMDB may be a little bit retarded. Nobody is saying it should be remade! Stop saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over! AAAAAAAAAAAArgh. It's a hypothetical question. Which current actors would best fit the roles in this film. Is that better?

"Consider that a divorce"


You, sir, deserve to be punched in the nuts.

Who wants to marry a chick who's gonna give birth to a jug of vodka and cranberry juice?


McB - Brad Pitt
Miss Martha - Laura Linney
Edwina - Amy Adams
Carol - Amanda Seyfried
Amy - Elle Fanning

My casting hasn't changed much in three years.;)


I have this bad feeling that if they did remake it they'd cast Shia Labeouf in the Clint Eastwood role. :(


I'm in agreement with the other posters. It's fine the way it is. I rewatched this the other day, and really, what makes the film so perfect and memorable is the fact that Eastwood really goes against type and plays a total snake.

Not only is it an interesting acting arch for Eastwood, it was definitely a character stretch for him, and far removed from his character in "The Man with No Name trilogy". Like when he's lying about getting wounded while trying to save the Confederate soldier and we're seeing flashbacks to him actually being a sniper and getting picked off.

The only way a remake would ever work would be to cast someone who never plays a villian in the role.

I love to love my Lisa.


McB ~ Michael Fassbender
Miss Martha ~ Helen Mirren
Edwina ~ Bryce Dallas Howard
Hallie ~ They'd eliminate her character altogether


McB - Viggo Mortenson or Josh Brolin
Miss Martha - Frances Fisher (strawberry Alice in Unforgiven)
Edwina - Hailee Steinfeld (in a couple of years!)
Amy - Dakota, of course, or Madison Lintz (Sophia from The Walking Dead)
Director: Night Shyamalan, Wolfgang Petersen or Mel Gibson (don't laugh!). Please NOT Tim Burton.
