i think it could be remade by the Farrelly Brothers, with maybe Adam Sandler in the Eastwood role, and a septet of pneumatic bimbos attending to his every need.
But they'd have to change the title, because it might be difficult for their core audience to pronounce. What about "Please Don't Eat the Mushrooms"?
McB- Collin Ferrell, Heath Ledger, Orlando Bloom, or Joaquin Pheonix
That is just beyond wrong. All perfectly attractive, but the guy is not by any stretch a hero supposed to be a hero. Maybe Joaguin Phoenix or Colin Ferrel could handle the darker aspects of the character. But casting Heath Ledger or Orlando Bloom would be atrocious.
Just off the top of my head, maybe Russel Crowe or Gerard Butler (the Phantom of the Opera) Viggo Mortensen would also fit the role very well.
Miss Martha- Gleen Close
Fine choice, but Close has played these kinds of roles so many times. We've already scene her chew up the scenary (quite spectacularly) in Dangerous Liaisons. How about casting someone new? There must be plenty of fine character actors who could play this kind of role.
Orlando Bloom.... yea that was a bad choice but I do stand behind my others. Heath can play dark, The Order was a nice character with darkness. I'm kinda tired of Russel Crowe, don't get me wrong he is a great actor but I'm getting kinda sick of him. Gerald Butler, now that is a great choice, he would be awesome. It's hard to really come up with someone for Miss Martha, I really think Close would be the best because it needs to be someone who is older and vicious. Maybe Judi Dench. But I don't know. I really like your Gearld Butler choice though. well done. "Truth will not disappear because certain facts are ignored." Aldous Huxley
Good casting callsAdam. But while I respect your choices, here's mine. I would go with Colin Ferrell, Meryl Streep, Scarlett Johassen and Amy Adams. This would be a wonderful remake. I hope they do it.
I agree! Besides as was posted earlier, this movie made no money. It won't ever get remade ulness Eastwood wants to direct it. Most likely his lady love Frances Fisher and his daughter Alison Eastwood would play the female leads. I have always loved the story that Bette Davis wanted to play Miss Martha. That aside, the actress would play Miss Martha in a remake made soon would be Julianne Moore. She's the right age. Jessica Lange would be interesting too.
some other people have said it on here already, but a remake is a terrible call.
I think the impulse to remake things is blown way out of proportion these days. charlie and the chocolate factory, the pink panther, the manchurian candidate, king kong (apparently ok, but I haven't seen it). that's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are a ton more, and that's also not to even mention sequels. the drought of originality seems like a misty mirror reflection of that in our current government. everyone in control is totally uninteresting, in my humble opinion.
my suggestion is not to look at a film like this and childishly squeal "remake! remake!". and jesus, certainly not with colin ferrell, heath ledger, orlando bloom -- you must be joking me with those actors. I think you should, instead, appreciate this film for what it is, and hope that america's contemporary lack of collective originality rights itself at some point in the future, and we get another decade of film like the 40's or 70's.
and in the meantime, there are plenty of 70's flicks as weird and imaginitive as this that you can reach backward and appreciate.
This is what i get tired of is people who see the post of if they remade it, and think that I'm championing it to be remade. I was asking a question of if it was remade you know a hypothetical, I personally think it is one of Eastwood's best films, and i do appreciate films of the 70's and the 60's and the 50's and the 40's hell i even like older ones like the cabinet of dr. caligari. Sylonet Green, The Omega Man, The Ten Commandments....most of Heston's films in general. By the way Collin Ferrel was a bad pick I admit that, but Heath Ledger is a great actor look at Ned Kelly, and Orlando Bloom was phenominal in Kingdom of Heaven. Relook at the question in the post, i didn't say this should be remade I said if it was.
By the way, Dr. Strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb is my favorite film, so don't say i don't appreciate older films.
"Truth will not disappear because certain facts are ignored." Aldous Huxley
i will state again I'm not calling for a remake, i'm asking a hypothetical question, IF it was remade who would you pick, there is nothing wrong with the original.
"Truth will not disappear because certain facts are ignored." Aldous Huxley
mcb.... hugh jackman is the best pick edwina ....amy adams for sure amy.... dakota fanning carol ... scarlet johansson martha ... jessica lange or glenn close
...it would most likely be watered/dumbed down to the point that it would be an embarrassment to the original a la "The Manchurian Candidate," "The Stepford Wives," "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," "Planet of the Apes," etc. But I agree, it's probably too left-of-center for Hollywood to ever try it again. However, if they agreed to remake "The Wicker Man," who knows? But I'm sure a remake would never be able to recapture the mystique of the original. They'd probably add a self-pleasuring scene or two for the Edwina (and/or Carol) character(s). And they'd make McB's actions less ambiguous. And they might even go as far as giving it a more upbeat ending(!!!!). Those are just a few of the ways they could muck it up.
why do they have remake movies they got right the first time. if you don't want the original just don't watch old movies. this movie like a lot of old movies tv shows was made jews & gays actually did run hollywood people with creativity. now just big christian run & owned corporation do all they care about hyping everything to make as much money as posssible.