Season 1 - SPOILERS

Episode 1 - On Trial

What a Christian man Hudson the butler of the Bellamy household is with his kind and compassionate treatment of Clemence/Sarah the new and rather dodgy servant.

And what a cow Rose the house parlour maid is right from the start itching to put Sarah in her place. I noticed Rose didn't seem at all heartbroken about her dead fiance either, called him a silly dill for getting himself killed in the war. Although Rose did soften toward Sarah at the end, when they were in bed together.

Sarah has a childish way of talking that isn't the actresses' natural voice so it was put on deliberately. I imagine that we are to take it that Sarah has been frozen in time as a perpetual child which would explain her habitual retreats to make believe.

Poor Alfred the footman has a kangaroo loose in the top paddock.

At times this episode reminded me of a watching a play.


Episode 10 - A Voice from the Past

The adventures of Sarah part two. Elizabeth and James stumble across a rather worse for wear Sarah at a soup kitchen and Elizabeth decides to bring her back to Eaton Place where pandemonium ensues. Temporarily employed as a scullery maid " while she gets fattened up " Sarah wastes no time in getting up to her old, and some new, tricks and soon has an at first stand-offish Rose wrapped around her little finger again. To me it seemed there was a clear implication that Rose and Sarah's relationship had been more than platonic.

Elizabeth was being irresponsible by encouraging James to pursue a romantic relationship with Sarah when she knows nothing about her. Although James is attracted to Sarah it is an unhealthy attraction driven by his need and weakness. Sarah is attracted to James but then Sarah seems to be attracted to a lot of men and she is no better than she ought to be.


How ought she to be?


Episode 11 - The Swedish Tiger

Okay I kept putting off rewatching this one because I remember it being so bad and my memory didn't deceive me. Tedious, boring and silly.


Episode 12 - The Key of the Door

Elizabeth is terribly impressed by her new "friends". A bunch of nauseating hypocrites from Bloomsbury who are playing at being bohemian social "progressive" types. They take advantage of her naivety by imposing on her and landing her in the poo. Well they say you can't put an old head on young shoulders and I guess that goes double for poor Elizabeth. Talk about clueless.

And Lady Marjorie and Richard are not much better in that they have no idea how to control, discipline or even try to talk some sense into Elizabeth. And that is something they should have been doing all along rather than leaving it until it's too late.


Episode 13 - For Love of Love

The interesting thing in this episode is that everybody thinks they are doing the right thing and nobody is but for different reasons. Richard, Lady Marjorie and Rose want Elizabeth to marry Lawrence because she loves him and it would be scandalous not to in the circumstances. And Elizabeth wanted to experience "free love" and not bother with marriage so as to do away with silly old conventions.

Richard and company were wrong because Lawrence isn't suitable marriage partner material and Elizabeth was wrong because really she just wanted to have sex and the silly old conventions weren't going anywhere. As it turns out she should have tried to get Lawrence into bed and then she would have found out that he wasn't for her.

I had to laugh at Lady Marjorie in full snob mode when she saw that Sarah had turned up at the church for Elizabeth's wedding. If looks could have killed ! But what the hell is James doing falling in love with Sarah !? She could hardly be more unsuitable as a bawdy stage performer with the morals of an alley cat. How could Richard and Lady Marjorie have raised such a pair of dills !?


Bawdy - morals of an alley cat - I can see the attraction!
