MovieChat Forums > THX 1138 (1971) Discussion > THX 1138 vs 1984 (dystopias)

THX 1138 vs 1984 (dystopias)

Which dystopia would be worse for you and why?


I do look good in white but I like my hair. Mind you it looks like Lucas's dystopia has the best drugs. Plus the society in THX-1138 doesn't appear to be at war.


Remember in 1984 there really was no war. It was just a device they used to stir up patriotism for Big Brother.


True. No war at all is still better than an imaginary war though.

@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority


more like brave new world than 1984


1984. Almost tested live, during that period (lived under communism, even if only a child). Why? Good question. Because it made paranoia the law and turned people against each other. One third of the people were registered informers with the secret police... this happened.


Sounds like the US today to me.


Dystopias? Think about the children!




It would be cool to live in the Blade runner world for a day or two. But then I'd get sick of the constant rain and asian people.


Trawling random imdb boards allows one to find pearls like this one. Thanks.



There is something sinister and unique about THX-1138 that is not in any other dystopias. All of them have a common tendency of an oppressive society with a totalitarian ruling class that wants to ban, censor, forbid or destroy a precious thing that we value today. Dystopias have been written about all manner of forbidden things, from common items like books or art to abstract concepts like freedom, love, or even emotions themselves.

But THX-1138 doesn't technically have that. No one is trying to ban anything. Sure, there are a lot of things people aren't permitted to do, but there is no class of elites enforcing these edicts.

In fact, as much as we can tell, THX-1138 does not have a ruling class at all. It seems to be a society stuck in a form of cruise control, with everyone doing only what's required of them and not really thinking outside their assigned role, and no one in charge to lead or take things in a different direction. With no leadership, the society is stuck in this state indefinitely.

How did it get this way? Allow me to speculate for a bit: It's obvious that in the not-too-distant future, something bad happened to surface living. Quite likely nuclear war. The survivors retreated to a massive underground complex and tried to rebuild their civilization there.

In the early going, they probably had a council of leaders to mandate certain standards to ensure survival and keep the fledgling colony from being snuffed out. Resources were scarce so their consumption was tightly controlled and regulated. Food, water and other essentials were rationed.

All non-essential things were too expensive and scarce to maintain so they fell out of favor; things like luxury, fashion, color, style, and flavor simply waned over the years until they were forgotten entirely. Only the bare minimum needed to survive was permitted. In time, people saw no point in clothes, hair, or even names. All of them were luxuries and the system couldn't justify the expense.

The system cannot afford anything extraneous or useless that might be a drain on society's limited resources, and this includes people. So there cannot be any pregnancies. All humans must serve a function, therefore they are grown for a purpose and are given a designation, and are terminated once they serve that purpose. Education was standardized, dissent and disorder repressed as they represent disharmony, which is expensive.

Civil unrest also needed to be taken care of. This was accomplished with the creation of impartial robot Police, and emphasized with mood-stabilizing drugs. The situation was so tenuous that even consumption standards were mandated just to ensure positive economic growth. Everything was regimented right down to employment, consumption, productivity.

Religion was kept as the last visage of social cohesion, unity and sense of purpose. But like everything else in this counterfeit society, it was simply a regimented waste of time. It's just a tape recording of a long-forgotten era.

The system they created was stable and fixed for the sake of efficiency and optimization. They had to forsake a lot of things to achieve it, but it was a necessary evil to ensure their survival, and they took comfort in the fact that it would not destroy humanity.

This probably went on for centuries. In time, society had reached an equilibrium, a utopia in function only. The leaders no longer needed to do anything so their function also atrophied until there was no one left in charge anymore, nor did there need to be.

And the system continued operating for hundreds of years, with each individual in it doing only what's required of them and never questioning the system itself. The system was self-sustaining so long as everyone kept doing their assigned role.

By the time the events in the movie roll around, it appears like the system has been running on autopilot for a very long time and there are a lot of indications that things are starting to break down. Robot police are malfunctioning, people are slacking at their jobs, drugs don't work as well, and several individuals are questioning why they even do anything. There are contingencies for these issues, of course, and the system tries as hard as it can to fix, destroy or marginalize the flaws inherent, but the flaws are accumulating and it appears like it cannot sustain things at the current rate.

And there is no one around who knows how to change course or suggest a new mode of living.

So unlike 1984, things are somewhat more tragic here as the people have been dependent on the system for so long that they don't know how to live outside of it. They aren't being oppressed by some diabolical ruling group, they are simply slaves to their own routine and can't conceive anything else.

THX-1138 represents the first human to ever voluntarily leave the system and reach the surface... quite possibly the first in hundreds of years. It's not likely that he will find anything up there -- a barren, irradiated wasteland. But that wasn't the point of the movie.


I think Me-1523 's comments hit the nail on the head . The folks have been down there so long they lose all the things that make them human.


I don't know I see lots of people like this today. Most people in fact are in cruise control its only because of the small minority to do things get changed for good or bad.

Most people enjoy not making decisions, like routine and need set rules to live their lives. As long as they are comfortable they are happy, so if there is no chaos or decisions out side of the norm they are in paradise.

I think we are slowly heading towards this sort of existence, as the world is more complex and the more technology we have these sort of people retreat backwards to be comfortable. The world is becoming more rigid with more rules, there are becoming more and more huge global companies that need to put people into boxes so that they can do their jobs.

It is a bit scarey when you start looking at what is happening around you each day and understand why certain personality types do what they do...


Best explanation I have read on here.


Personally I'd prefer the 1984 scenario with IngSoc to THX 1138. In 1984, everybody had to be a party member and swear allegiance to Big Brother, but there were still social classes and an extremely small level of freedom. Granted it didn't matter very much, since Big Brother could watch everyone from their TVs and helicopters. Then there's the fact that almost everyone was secretly a spy for Big Brother, and that there was a constant war going on between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, but 1984 has basically existed in the USSR and PRC and people manage to survive and have some semblance of life underneath the radar.

In THX 1138, there is no family unit or political party or anything. Everyone is cloned so there's only numbers, and people only kinda have friends. Plus there's no party class system, since the police are robots and odds are the one controlling the entire system is actually just a controller. Instead of a perpetual war, people are basically working in nuclear reactors or something from what I remember to keep themselves busy and there's a high chance they get killed in some accident anyway. There's absolutely no human element in THX 1138, which almost makes 1984 seem like real life (as creepy as that sounds).

Then there's the off chance that someone can escape from IngSoc. Think about it: there's no proof that the perpetual war in 1984 is actually going on. It could be that the United Kingdom turned into the equivalent of North Korea and is making their people believe a war is going on to serve their own ends. In THX 1138, everyone moved underground probably because of a nuclear war. There's no other countries to move to, and even if you escape to the surface it looked like a damn wasteland.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.
