MovieChat Forums > THX 1138 (1971) Discussion > Why were all the holograms African-Ameri...

Why were all the holograms African-Americans?

Okay, I'm sure I'm not the only fan who's wondered this...why were all of the holograms Black people?

Also, when I first watched "THX 1138" this past week (yes, I'm a new fan!), I at first thought Don Pedro Colley's character was crazy for thinking himself a hologram...but now I'm not so sure. Was he actually supposed to be a hologram within the context of the film?

What are your opinions?

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Careful, Lavender; you're venturing into territory you may not want to go into. Hollywood is a Leftist institution and you dare not challenge the wisdom of it's directors, producers and writers when it comes to their hypocrisy on race.


OMG not ANOTHER opinion from a glue sniffing conservative


OMFG, not ANOTHER opinion from a navel-gazing, narcissistic, anti-American, Castro-loving, Obama-worshipping Leftist bozo....


OMFG, not ANOTHER squirt of verbal diarrhea from a mouth-breathing, self-centered, anti-human, Putin-loving, Trump-worshiping Rightard bozo...


Well, at least I'm not a Leftist.
