MovieChat Forums > Scrooge (1971) Discussion > what is your favorite musical number in ...

what is your favorite musical number in scrooge?

mine is the thank you very much song


the version of "Thank you very Much" when they dance on Scrooges coffin, Pure Surrealism

Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw


The entire soundtrack is great. I still have the soundtrack LP I purchased back in 1970. My favorite is Father Christmas. The Oscar Nominee, Thank You Very Much is also great as is I Like Life, December the 25th, Christmas Children and Happiness. I don't care for I Hate People but its lyrics were meaningful.


Oh, yes, Thank You Very Much, but finally seeing it again after so many decades, I've grown to enjoy I'll Begin Again.


December the 25th, my dear, it is so much fun.


There really aren't that many that stick out except for "Thank You Very Much", but i prefer the second one, when Scrooge has found redemption, and is dancing with the townspeople in the Santa suit. The first version, of course, is when the Ghost of Christmas Future shows us that he died, and Tom Jenkins, the hot soup man, and everyone else who owed him money, is free from paying him back. There isn't really a lot of songs in this movie. I do like the beginning song, "Sing a Song of gladness and Cheer."


The ministers cat
Father Christmas


Mine was "I Hate People". For a long time that was my theme song.


Father Christmas is my favorite.


'Thank You Very Much'.

The truth of life has been revealed.


"Thank you Very Much" of course.

Truth to tell while I love the movie as a whole I don't care much for "Father Christmas"
