The song was done in a more innocent time, but I don't think it would fly today.
I'm usually firmly in the camp of a movie or TV show being a product of its time, especially if it's generally considered to be a "classic", and I want it to be shown the way it was originally intended to be seen, maybe with a disclaimer to acknowledge any possible offensive material. I was outraged when Warner Brothers cartoons started removing the violence for Saturday morning TV, for example... how can you have a Roadrunner cartoon without a few anvils falling on Wile E. Coyote's head, for heaven's sake?
But in this case... wow, I'm 100 percent okay with this song being cut out, and I've felt that way for several years now. It was perfectly fine in its time, and I enjoyed it for many years on TV when I was a kid without reading anything into it, but there's no way for it to exist in the 21st century and be acceptable. You don't ask kids to sit on a total stranger's lap and kiss him, using a toy as the bait, in 2016. There are just too many horrible things going on in the world. Sorry, Mickey... you sang it well; not your fault.
But if they also removed the scene where the soldiers burned the kids' toys because it might be "too scary" for today's more sheltered tots, as I read in another thread... that, I have a problem with. Just my own personal opinion; not looking to "convert" anybody else or start any kerfuffles.