And i know they didnt have "Razzies" then, but i never seen worse acting in my whole life. Cool dude or not, i hope to god he was drunk doing this movie, cause he is brutal in this! Leslie Neilson dont even come close too him! Sad thing is, Dean is not tryin to be funny! Haaa. What a turd! Thank god i didnt grow up in his era, cause he cant act worth a *beep*
I was never a fan of Martin's acting, but perhaps his on-screen persona worked for him in this case. (It didn't always.) Even when he was trying to be sincere, there was always that edge to him that made him seem sleazy and self-serving β and that was perfect for Captain Demerest.
You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
You are right puirt-a-beul, he was PERFECT for this role. I've read trvia about the movie and he supposedly took this role really seriously and wanted to make himself look as authentic as possible. I was a flight attendant for 4 years and there were alot of captains with this personality.
According to Paul Picerni, who played the doctor on the airplane- Dr. Compagno, in his autobiography published in 2007, Dean Martin did exactly what the poster of the thread said. According to Mr. Picerni, Dean had a large trailer-type dressing room on the movie set, and one day Mr. Picerni could hear the set almost rocking. Dean was inside the trailer with the beautiful Jacqueline Bisset, doing to her exactly what the poster said, among other things. Mr. Picerni said Dean was "having dessert."
In making one of his first scenes in the movie, Mr. Picerni said he opened Ms. Bisset's blouse (she had been injured by the bomb) and felt one of her (well endowed) breasts. The startled Ms. Bisset supposedly said "Are you a real doctor"? To which one of the production crew supposedly said: "Yes, he got all his training at Warner Brothers."
I thought Dean was excellent in the role. And from other things I've read and heard, his relaxation activities wiht Ms. Bisset were certainly believable. But rather than how the OP of this thread said about him, I prefer Mr. Picerni's characterization- "having dessert."
Martin's film persona always had some sleaze attached to it, even when playing straight to Jerry Lewis. Thus Martin excels in pix like AIRPORT, CAREER, THE YOUNG LIONS and KISS ME, STUPID (playing a character called "Dean Martin.") "May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"
I couldn't stand his character in this movie. I wanted to slap his face when he got that look on his face after Gwen said she didn't have a thing to wear while they were boarding the bus.
I don't usually get creeped out when someone with whom I'm having a passionate affair makes a cute face when I mention I have nothing to wear. That was the whole point.
I am watching the movie right now. Dean Martin is reading his lines. you can tell he's doing this over Burt Lancaster shoulders. they probably have some cue cards to the side. The Bastard was drunk lol
I've seen plenty worse but he wasn't good, in common with most of the cast in the film. I bet the performances here gave the Airplane! actors a lot of inspiration...
Having known airline pilots from that era, Martin's characterization wasn't that far off. This was the generation trained in World War II, and many had a devil may care attitude. Womanizing against a backdrop of heavy drinking were the rule of the day. But also present was superior airmanship.
Wasn't there an 8-hour "bottle-to-throttle" rule back then? Or did they just ignore it? I'm afraid to ask what the rule is in our current puritanical times - 10 years from bottle to throttle? Even that's probably too short an interval for MADF.