MovieChat Forums > Where Eagles Dare (1969) Discussion > How come hollywood doesn't make films li...

How come hollywood doesn't make films like this anymore?

Why is it that Hollywood doesn't make films like this (other examples include The Guns of Navarone and Kelly's Heroes) anymore because I'd really like to see another good ol' style WWII action adventure that DOES NOT HAVE AN OVERDOSE OF GRAPHIC VIOLENCE.

mmm, doughnut
-Homer Simpson


They don't make films like this anymore because they've realised that people don't like BORING, OVERRATED, CHEESY FILMS. This was quite possibly the worst film I have ever seen. The music and sound effects were all overly loud and cheesy, the actors were dull, the plot was predictable and boring, and for the whole first 45 mins absolutely NOTHING happens. I'm glad Hollywood have made ONE good decision in their lives - to stop making films like this!

You know some guys just can't hold their arsenic...
PMOTJDC est 03


J_D_fan on Sun Jun 13 2004 02:49:40
They don't make films like this anymore because they've realised that people don't like BORING, OVERRATED, CHEESY FILMS.
didnt The Dark Knight make like 800million?

"all I have ever asked of my men is to follow my orders as if they were the word of god"


faded, LOL, excellent point! I'll take WED anyday over batman 7 with it's CGI effects. JD your a moron


They don't make films like this anymore because they've realised that people don't like BORING, OVERRATED, CHEESY FILMS. This was quite possibly the worst film I have ever seen.
But yet a 7.7 IMDb rating and still "quite possibly the worst film [you] have ever seen."

We each have our own tastes, but maybe you'd like to think about how yours match up with those of others.


This was quite possibly the worst film I have ever seen.
how many films you seen? I mean come on.


Fortunatly they do! at least quentin does, Inglorious Bastards! cant wait!

insert cool movie quote here [ ]


ofcourse not... they wanna make quality films like Torque and Biker Boys =P


I agree- and we like to see the Brits as coolly proficient operators rather than public school chumps- battling for civilisation with the Yanks as our secondary help. MORE LIKE W.E.D. PLEASE!!


Because the war is long over.



"it is a pity but they wouldn make much money because there would be very few people under 60 wanting to see them ,innocence in our way of thinkin is gone now there has to be a fast moving pace in movies otherwise people will fall asleep i do like these films the likes of guns of navarone,anzio,kellys heroes,von ryans express,great escape,dirty dozen,but you can see how dated there starting to get..........."

lol...I'm a few decades under 60. I wasn't even born when the Vietnam War started. And I love movies like this one, and all the ones you mentioned. (I'm also a female, so figure that in.)

I love intelligent movies where men act like men and not like imbeciles more concerned with their coifs than their roles.

The only way someone would fall asleep in a good movie like WEB would be if they had the attention span of a gnat.



I'm not quite sure what you mean by "films like this". This movie, along with Guns of Navarone and The Dirty Dozen, was pretty much the template for every shoot-'em-up action film of the last forty years or so. It's a big dumb live-action cartoon, nothing more, nothing less - an entertaining and well-made one, to be sure, but a cartoon nonetheless.

The violence may be pretty tame now but by the standards of 1968 it was pretty darn violent. Yeah The Wild Bunch and Bonnie and Clyde were around but they were exceptions rather than the rule. And hundreds of Germans soldiers getting mowed down at a clip isn't "gratutious violence"? Hmm...

We can't have Arab desperadoes running around kidnapping American citizens!


"And hundreds of Germans soldiers getting mowed down at a clip isn't "gratutious violence"? Hmm..."

Graphic violence, not gratuitous violence.

Hollywood doesn't make films like this any more because these days it caters for the two-second attention span crowd, who complain it's slow and boring if there's a shot of a character waiting for five seconds for a bomb to go off, and consequently films have to be so fast-moving that there's no time to take anything in.


"Hollywood doesn't make films like this any more because these days it caters for the two-second attention span crowd, who complain it's slow and boring if there's a shot of a character waiting for five seconds for a bomb to go off, and consequently films have to be so fast-moving that there's no time to take anything in."

Absolutely true.

Also the plot of WEB is deliciously complicated (despite what the previous dope said.) Very few 30-year-old children could follow it.


Also the plot of WEB is deliciously complicated

Only for the first half of the film. The set-up is great, but once all the main villains are killed in one fell swoop the movie becomes Eastwood and Burton vs. faceless Nazi hordes, which isn't really that much better than the modern-day action tripe you pretend to despise.

Anyway, the Pirates of the Caribbean films have very "complicated" plots, I somehow don't suppose you would consider them good.

(despite what the previous dope said.)

Real classy. But now I can dispense with being civil with you.

Very few 30-year-old children could follow it.

There's a poster like this on every classic movie board on IMDB. Are people of your ilk always pretentious, pseudo-intellectual bullies who insult everyone who dares disagree with you? Or is it just a bad habit? I gave up trying to impress people with my knowledge of older films when I turned 18. This isn't Citizen Kane or The Godfather, its a movie where Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton run around shooting, stabbing and blowing up Nazis for two hours, so such condescension isn't really called for. The film is miles better than Transformers or 300, but that's about as fair a comparison as comparing, say, Doubt or The Assassination of Jesse James etc. to one of the old Beach Party films or Roger Corman schlockfests.

The Guns of Navarone is far better than Where Eagles Dare in pretty much every respect, although I don't think Navarone has a scene the equivalent of Burton's big scene explaining the plot.

Whatever happens, we have got/The Maxim Gun, and they have not!

