I'll watch Topaz on my deathbed!
When I was a kid at school our English teacher told us she'd read every single play by Shakespeare.
Except one.
She'd deliberately never read The Life and Death of King John because she didn't like the idea of going through life without a "new" Shakespeare play to discover.
When I started getting into Hitchcock in my teens, I vowed I'd see every feature of his (even The Mountain Eagle if I could find it!!). When I'd seen a good many of them I remembered my English teacher and decided, like her, I should leave something for later. Naturally, I wasn't going to miss out on an important classic. So Topaz, widely regarded as a relatively minor effort, seemed as good a choice as any for my "rainy day" Hitchcock movie.
Since then, I've seen the rest (a very high proportion on the big screen - thank you BFI Southbank). And that includes things like Mary, the silent version of Blackmail and Dial M For Murder in 3-D. Today, Topaz is the only Hitchcock feature that I've never seen.
So...still looking forward to checking it out eventually. Got a lovely DVD of it, just waiting! I'm not expecting great things, so hopefully it won't be too much of a let-down. Who knows? I might even decide it's one of my favourites! I'll let you know in about...ooh....40 years' time.
50, if I'm lucky.