Ebert Being a Jerk

Sometimes when I read a review by Roger Ebert, it reminds me of what a jerk he can be, even though sometimes he's admittedly on the money. While he has some very positive things to say in his review of "The Sterile Cuckoo," he also says some ridiculously snarky and, I think, untrue things. For example he says about Jerry, "And Jerry is slow. Stupid might be a better word." I sure don't consider Jerry to be stupid. He's awkward at times, but that's pretty normal for someone of his age and lack of experience.

I caught Ebert in a lie in his review of "Last Exit to Brooklyn," or at least a major falsehood. While Ebert is one of the Big Shots of movie reviewers, one should take whatever he says with a grain of salt.


If you read a little about Ebert, you will discover his background prior to becoming a film critic had nothing to do with making movies or the arts really. He worked for the paper, the job opened up and he got it. He is just another idiot with an opinion who got popular because of the original Siskel and Ebert TV show which at the time had no real competition.

To gain insight into his abilities as it relates to films, you can read the script for "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" which is a piece of cinematic garbage. He also gave "Speed 2" 3 stars. This is all you really need to know about him as this is one of the worst films ever made. Maybe there was a payment involved in that case.


After having viewed the repulsively bad sexploitation film, "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, " which he co-wrote, None of the late Roger Ebert's often pompous and pretentious opinions mean anything, to me.


He is (was) a movie reviewer, nothing more, nothing less. Almost by definition you SHOULD disagree with what he says, it's what his job does - gets people discussing the meaning of movies, more specifically what they mean to you. If everyone agreed with everything everyone said all the time, this would be a very boring world.
