Were you there?

I saw the Green Slime in a movie theater at the corner of Mulberry and Canal Sts in NYC back in 1969 or 1970. Let me know if you were there.


My buddy David Cobb and I saw it at the State or the Broad Cinema in downtown Richmond Virginia when the flick came out. We were 13 or so.
What a neat flick!
The local reviewer said that, after the technical brilliance of 2001, it was nice to see a flick where you could clearly see the wires holding everything up.


I saw it with some friends at an afternoon showing back when it first came out, I think I was only 8 or nine at the time.


I saw it on tv one afternoon in 1978 or 1979 in french... It was only maybe twenty years later that I found out what the name of the movie was... A lot of the people I asked knew what movie I was talking about, but none knew the title... I guess I was not asking the right persons...



I saw this movie for the first time on tv as a kid and was so scared I bailed minutes before the great reveal, which shows the monster for the first time. TWICE I did that, before (as a teen) making the conscious decision that I was going to sit through it. It must have been a regular feature on tv there for a while during the 70s for me to see it three times within the space of about ten years.

When I finally saw the monster (and it was work to reach that point, let me tell you) I laughed and couldn't believe that I had been so scared to see what it looked like. It has been a favourite movie ever since, despite the fact that I haven't seen it in over 20 years and I'm happy to say I've finally bought the DVD...

There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls. -George Carlin


I saw it a the Ruskin Twin Theaters in Kansas City. That place is now a Goodwill store. I'm still not sure how they made the floors flat again.

My favorite memory of this film, one which I shall never forget, was when some female sees the horribly charred, mutilated corpse of some expendable crew member, and screams "He's dead!!". Simultaneously, myself and at least three other people elsewhere in the theater yelled out "No *beep* lady". It was a perfect teen movie moment.


I saw it about 1969 in a drive in theater in del rio texas, out in west texas. I was about 12.

My documentary in progress:


I remember the newspaper ad, and I believe it lead you to think these things were bigger than they ended up being. I was like eight at the time. Took me awhile to actually see the thing.
"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


I saw the Green Slime back in the early 70's,now here's the kicker,I was in the Movie briefly as an Extra whilst on Vacation in Japan.One of the Stars was my buddy Jack Morris who also got bit parts in all kinds of Japanese Movies,including a role in the TV series Key Hunter.Luciana Paluzzi was a real cutie,I believe Richard Jaeckel has since passed away,don't know about Robert Horton,Jack Morris is still around and lives quite close to me.


I've seen this movie back in 1970 aboard a naval base in Key West,FL. I was 7 yrs-old.


Heck yeah, I was there. 1968 was a good movie year for me. I saw this film at the 'Bridge Drive-in" in Jefferson City, MO. I saw the movie with my best friend Mac. Our families let us sit alone in their car and everyone else sat back in our car. That was a great night. I was 7 and it was a BIG deal.


In Savannah Ga 69 or 70. They had an all day Horror Fest in a theater off Broughton St downtown. I was at the ripe old age of 6 or 7. About 12 of us went (older sisters and neighborhood kids). The Theater would let you in for free for so many Coke bottle caps (don't ask me what that was all about, marketing I suppose). Movies included The Green Slime (of course), House of the Seven Gables, Attack of the Giant Leeches and some movie about a guy who could turn himself into a Jellyfish. Man what a day! Yeah I didn't sleep for about a week but it sure was worth it.


I saw it as a kid in a theater in Baltimore MD. I remember the song being so cool. Getting ready to watch it again after all these years.
