The dancing scene

Well, I saw this movie for the first time when I was very young, and only remembered that I though Bergman looked gorgeouse (couldb't care less about Hawn). So, a bit hesetantly I watched it again last night.

And, as it has been said, didn't she look AMAZING!

But to my point of this topic. I was just blown away by the dancing scene, where Bergman and Hawn and the young bloke are dancing away, doing this late 60's dans rutine. To see Bergman (From the golden age of movies!) doing this dance (with Goldie Hawn!), it's just a picture I couldn't ever have imagined. Bergman was such a sport, cool as hell.

And over all I think Bergman was the one who delivered the comedy in this one.

"Exclusively what and restricted to whom?" Auntie Mame


I disliked the matronly outfits they put Ingrid in. She's naturally so elegant that it just looked awful, like they didn't fit her well. Shame. But she was great in the film.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!
